Back At School...

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I woke up to my alarm going off and Alex's steel arms wrapped around me. I rolled over as much as I could to hit the snooze button, Alex let me go enough to were I could do that. Then I was pulled back tighter to him. I sighed and layed my head back down on his chest as we feel back to sleep for about ten minutes.

When the alarm clock went off for the second time Alex sat up with me still wrapped up in his arms. He reached over with one arm to turn off the alarm clock. I looked up at him waiting for him to let go of me so we both could get up, dressed and ready for school. He looked down at me and smiled, I returned it.

"Okay, we stayed out of school yesterday so we are going there today." I said and went to get up surprised that Alex actually let me get up.

"I know, I know. I'm getting out so you can change and so I can too." He said and we got up, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Sighing I got up and went to my closet. Picking up a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt I began to change. After that I pulled on a pair of converse's and walked into the bathroom to brush my hair, when someone walked into my bedroom.

While brushing my hair I went to see who it was, it was just Alex. He walked over to me smiling. I raised an eyebrow.

"What I can't be in a good mood?" He asked laughing at me.

I shook my head at him and put down my brush looking out of the window. I began to brush my teeth and Alex watched me in the mirror. He was dressed in dark jeans, shoes and a marron colored t-shirt. After I was done brushing my teeth and I looked out the window again I seen that it was snowing... I need to find a hoodie or...... I looked up over at Alex still watching me.

"Alex do you wonna do me a favor?" I asked walking out of my bathroom.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked still watching me as I looked for my backpack.

"Can you go get me one of your hoodies? Pleaseeee." I said looking over at him smiling.

He smiled down at me and said "Sure, oh and your backpack is still in the car where you left it Monday because we didn't have any homework."

Smiling at him I quit searching for my backpack and walked out of my room along with him, except he went to his room and I went down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen I seen that An and Sirena where deep in conversation about something. I walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed an apple and began to eat it.

Sirena and An looked over at me, smiling. Returning the smile I asked, "What were y'all talking about?"

"Nothing important. How are you feeling?" Andrew asked me.

"I'm good just like yesterday." I said.

Silence fell until you heard Alex's footsteps coming down the stairs. When he got to the kitchen he had a marron hoodie in his hands and a smile on his face. I finished my apple getting up to throw it away, after throwing it away I walked over to Alex and took his hoodie, putting it on. I pulled my hair out of the hoodie throwing it over the side of my neck.

Sirena and Andrew smiled at me as I put on the hoodie, I looked at them strangely, they just shook their head.

"We should start to head to school now." Alex said and began to walk out the door.

I followed Alex out to our car and got in. I sat in the car as we headed to school, Alex was still smiling, wonder why?

"So Alex wonna tell me why you've been smiling all morning?"

"I don't know, just happy I guess. Is there something wrong with that?" He asked as we pulled up to the school parking lot.

Shaking my head at he I said "No, there's nothing wrong with being happy. I was simply wondering why it is that you are happy. But I am glad that you are happy."

We got are backpacks and headed into the school. Walking to our first period and sat down in the back of the room. I pulled the sleeves of Alex's hoodie down over my hands, burring my head in the sleeve and inhaled deeply. I think that Alex heard me because he left out a soft laugh.

"What?" I asked bringing my head back up.

"You." He said shaking his head at me while his smile grew bigger and bigger.

"What about me?"

"The fact that you just inhaled my scent."

I gave a sheepish grin and replied, "Well its not my fault that you smell so good. Are you saying that you have a problem that I did that?"

"I don't have a problem at all with it, Bell. In fact I think that its good that you like the way I smell. It wouldn't be good to have a warrior that you thought smelt."

I gave off a small laugh at him and nodded. I shivered and huddled into the warmth of the hoodie. Alex gave ma a small sad smile and opened up his arms for me to come to him. Getting up I went over to him and sat down on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me so he could help keep me warm. We were getting a few weird looks from the students that had just walked into the class room at the fact that I was sitting in Alex's lap. But then they realized who I was and quickly said sorry for giving us weird looks, well after Alex growled at them for the dirty looks that some of them where giving me anyway.

I just snuggled my head into the crook of his neck and sighed. Then the bell rang and the rest of the class including the teacher that gave us a curt nod of his head. Sighing I got off of Alex's lap and went back to my seat. Class started but it when by slowly with the teacher drowning on.

When the bell finally rang Alex and I quickly gathered our stuff, then rushed out of the room. Alex threw an arm around me and pulled me into his side as we made our way through the hall to our next class. We continued this until we got to lunch and Alex went to get us lunch.

I had just put my head down in the crook of my elbow when I felt someone sit down in front of me. Looking up to find that it was Phillip. 

"Good morning Princess, how are you feeling?" He asked looking at me.

"I tolled you not to call me that, and i'm feeling much better thank you." I said as Alex came back with food for us.

Nodding his head at Phillip, I moved closer to Alex wanting his body heat. I leaned my head against his shoulder. Phillip gave me a slightly weird look with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him as Alex handed me a french frie.

"Nothing... Are you cold?" He asked concern showing in his eyes.

"Um, yeah I've been cold the past couple of days." I said getting another frie. When I looked back up I seen Phillip nodding his head at Alex.

"Oh... Well you didn't miss anything really. Just teachers droning on and on, like always." He said looking down at his hands then he got out his cell phone. He began to play on his phone for a while.

"So, Phillip I heard that you were asking about me yesterday." I said as I took another french frie from Alex.

"Um yeah. I wasn't quit sure why you weren't here so I asked around and nobody seemed to know but your sister."

"I heard there was a girl asking about me, do you happen to know who she is?" Alex asked as he took a bite out of his hamburger.

"Yeah I do actually. . . shes my sister. . ." He said looking away from me and Alex.

"Why was your sister asking about Alex? I wasn't aware that he knew her or vise versa." I said moving away from Alex putting my head down. Alex looked over at me with a look like 'what are you doing?'.

At first he wouldn't look at me or Alex. . . 

When he finally looked up at me he said, "She thinks she's found her mate. . . Alex. . . ."

My blood ran cold. . . 

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