Chapter 9 : Which is Which?

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"What's going on?!" 

Words that continue to ruin my morning..

"Al, remember to buy some sunscreens for your trip tomorrow." my mom keeps annoying me of buying things such as tissues, sunblock and more. Well, since this will be my first outing with people other than my family, Tiff and Jess.

"Ugh. I'm not buying anything. I'm just gonna go there and pretend to exist." I went down to get some water 'cause for some reason I can't breathe. 



A: Mom, the door.

Mom: Well its calling your name so perhaps you should get it. 

A: But I'm busy. 

Mom: Standing while drinking water?

A: (sigh) Fine.

Ever since that morning with Anderson and the rising, I'm afraid of opening doors. Cause my head keeps on reminding me of him waiting for me outside our front yard. And my heart would skip a beat every now and then.

I open the door and saw Tiff and Jess.

T: AL! let us in!

A: Ugh. what now?

They barge in the house without my permission. That's what it means to have real friends. 

We went up my room and started to discuss Tiff's extravagant-summer-confession-party. 

T: I just have the brightest idea ever.

J: Making juice? Hahaha

T: Shut up. Okay. remember the day we went camping last summer?

Oh yeah.. I remember that dreadful day. the sun was so hot. we were in the middle of nowhere-forest, dressed as live bait for bears and the worst part is, we were playing that dumb game called "which is which" right beneath the sun. After that, I'm terrified of summer. 

A: yeah. My first summer nightmare.

T: come on Al, you loved it. remember? you were the only one to guess Abraham's which is which?

A: that's because it was so obvious and no one would bother to answer, and I was so hot. I needed to end the game.

T: right.. so, We will play that game tomorrow. it'll be perfect for me and my "the-one"!

J: how's that game again?

T: alright. Remember we have each blank paper to write 2 names of your chosen "which is which" and then you write down your own name to know the user. you have to pick 1 "which" for example "allie and tiffany, which is which?" that simple. after that, we will circle the answer whoever you like and it goes around clockwise. Meaning, the one sitting next to you will have to correctly answer your chosen "which is which". And if he/she will fail,... SHE/HE WILL HAVE TO KISS YOU. And if he/she did answer correctly, you'll have the 7 mins in heaven. For exactly 7 mins, you can choose who you're going to spend inside a lock room. 


A: See? remember how that summer camping ended? me and Abraham inside a tent with mosquitoes. 

J: Hahaha. I can only imagine how that might've felt.

T: so?! let's do it?

A: So you're dragging us into your little trap game for your "the one".

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