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I looked behind but no one was there. Suddenly, Lucie opened the door and said, "You believe me now. Right?" I was totally confused on how she got to know that I heard someone whispering. "How did you know that something happened?"

"Lauren tells me everything." she said. Now I started to think that maybe this Lauren was the Lauren who died in this house. Also, keeping in mind that Lauren knew about the attic that we didn't know about, It made me believe that Lucie's friend was a spirit. 

"Can I talk to her again please?" I asked Lucie. 

"She's standing right behind you" 

I looked behind but as earlier, I couldn't see anyone. This seriously scared the hell out of me. I told Lucie that I would talk to her later and said good night to her. I thought to talk to Mia so I went to my room. I called Mia and luckily, she picked up! 

"Hey Mia! I'm Caroline." 

"Oh hey Caroline! I miss you so much! By the way, I know that you might still be thinking about the house where my birthday party was celebrated. And I also know that you got know to know a little about Lauren. She's the one who used to live where I celebrated my birthday. And it got closed when they shifted to where you live right now."

Could she read minds? I mean how did she know that? "How did you know that?" 

She continued. 

"You see. When I celebrated my birthday party some years ago with my family, I could see another girl with us. But no one else could. Her clothes were dirty and her hair was messy. She had scars and bruises all over her face and body. I went to her and asked who she was. and she said that she was Lauren. It was night time so I asked her to tell me her mom's number so that I could call her because they would've been worried for her. And she told me that her mom died. Then obviously I asked her to tell me her dad's number but she refused. I couldn't let her stay there for much time so I asked where she lives. "I don't even live." was her reply. I was pretty young that time so I didn't believe her. Her hair was messy and she had scars all over her body. She told me that her dad did it to her. I was about to ask more questions when my mom came to me. "Whom are you talking to? Air?" She asked and laughed. That's when I got to know about Lauren."

I told her everything that happened. The attic, that whisper. Literally everything. 

"Oh then Lucie is just like me." she said. I asked her what she meant. 

"I mean that even she can talk to or see spirits just like I can. By the way, I'll come to school tomorrow. Talk to you at school. Bye!" and the call ended.

So Lauren really exists. I said to myself. When I heard another whisper saying "Yes! I do."


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