Ouija board again?

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School was going normal as usual but amazing at the same time! School was the only place where I could forget about Lauren and Rebecca and everything. Spending time with Mia, Edward and Devan meant so much to me! My group vanished my loneliness. Today, I was talking to Edward and he was telling me about how much he loved spooky stuff. Even I told him that I loved scary stuff too! Then, we started talking about the scary activities that we've experienced in real life. He told me to tell something first. I had the Lauren thing going on in my mind so I told him everything. Everything means everything. From the adoption to the Ouija board and the diary. I saw him serious for the first time. After I finished, he looked at me with his lit face. "Why don't we talk to Rebecca using the Ouija board?" It was a pretty good idea to be honest but if I thought about what happened last time we used the board, It was a bad idea as well. I told him that we should gather up some more information before doing anything or we could get ourselves into more trouble.

When I reached home, I went to the attic straight away, hoping to find something. My eyes saw nothing else, but the Ouija board! The planchette was still on it. But there was no one using it. I read the one should never leave the planchette on the board. I was about to close it when the planchette started moving. And what it spelled didn't need a notepad to note what it was telling. It clearly spelled 'D-I-E'. I ran to close it but as I was about to reach it, Lauren came and took the board with her. Lauren told me that I had misunderstood her but after what she had done, I believed that I hadn't. I went to Lucie's room to talk to her.

"Hey Lucie!"

"Hi Caroline."

"Lauren told me that I misunderstood her. And to understand her, I thought to come and talk to you as you are her good friend."

"She is my good friend. That's true. But a good friend does not grab a friend by neck and throw her on the wall."

"What do you mean?"

She flipped her hair towards the left from right side and revealed a scar on her neck.

"Lauren did this to me."

"Why would she do so?"

"I don't know! Sometimes, she is a good friend and at the other times, she isn't. I noticed something strange though. Whenever she acts rude, there's a scar on her neck which isn't there when Lauren is good to me."

"Oh! Thanks for telling me that."

I went back to my room, trying to put the pieces together of the puzzle. I was confused. Too confused to believe on Lauren or to know what to do. I called Edward to ask him if he knew something about it but he didn't. He told me that he'll tell me when he gets to know anything. When I hung up the call, I saw Lauren in front of me. Crying.

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