The concert

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Lucas looked good as hell up on that stage. Like damn. His voice sounds so good. It sucks that he would never notice me. After the first few songs he said he was getting hot then took his shirt off. Papi got a six pack and a V.  The crowd went crazy. Lala crazy ass almost passed out  I just stood there calm and collected.
I swear I felt like I was the only one there. When he sang I just forgot everything. Like where was I even at. He took me somewhere else. His lips and his body his hair just damn. The only way I could be calm is the same thing that made me crazy. Lucas. When one of his songs cane on he said  "Who gone volunteer to come on stage with me?"
He looked at me and said "How bout this girl in the front. What's your name ma?"
I looked at Lala and she gave me a look that said he ain't talking to me he talking to you.
"I'm y/n."
"Come on up here ma."
My short self wasn't tall enough to get up there by myself so he helped me up. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me up there. He told me to just stand in the middle of the stage and he would do the rest. He started to sing one of his songs but I couldn't even hear him cuz I was so nervous. He started to dance behind me and then he whispered in my ear "Your gonna be mine ma." I just laughed and said "Okay." He grabbed my butt and started grinding on me. He grabbed my hair and made me bend over. He slipped through my legs and started grinding on the front of me. I was stunned because he had never done this before. At least I don't think he did. He whispered in my ear again and said "I wasn't playing you will be mine y/n yln."
I'm like how did he know my name. He must have seen me before. Before I knew it the song was over and he helped me off the stage.
Lala was like "Damn he was grinding all up on you."
"He knew my name too."
The concert was over so me and Lala headed back stage. I heard people saying stuff about me. "This Bihh got backstage passes too." I didn't pay no attention though.
We was the last ones in line because I had to use the bathroom. So it was empty except me Lala and Lucas and some of his crew.

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