Meet the family

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  You were nervous about meeting his siblings after Klaus tried to kill you many times but Elijah promised to kill you that Klaus is not going to harm you anyway. You were looking in the mirror, trying on some dresses. "Mm the blue one ? Or no ! The red one. Oh oh no the black one !" Elijah was watching you, laying on you'd bed and he laughed. "You know you are cute when you can't chose ?" He said, getting up from the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "Get the blue one" he whispered into your ear. "It's sexy on you" you smiled and blushed "Thank you, Elijah" you turned your head so you could kiss his perfect soft lips. He kissed you back and smiled. "Always, my love" he said and stroked your cheek.

   You finished your make up and Elijah took your hand, holding your little hand with his big bear ones. You smiled nervously and stood up. You knew The Mikaelsons but never really got to talk to them...only Klaus and Elijah. He lead you to his black SUV and opened door for you, you got in and so did he. He started the car to go to his family house. As you entered a younger, dark haired boy ran to Elijah and gave him a hug "hello, brother" Elijah said and smiled. "Hello, Elijah" He grin. That grin. Never saw a girl like that. "Kol..this is, y/n, my girlfriend. If you or any of our siblings gonna lay a finger on her, you'll regret it" Elijah said and Kol smiled and chuckled "I'm not going to hurt your girl, Elijah. She's the family now. I like her" he said and it made you smile. "Nice to meet you, Kol" you said and he kissed your hand "Nice to meet you too, darling"

   "Kol, always flirts with everyone." The blonde girl said. "Hello,sister" Elijah and Kol both smiled and she looked at you. "That's the human you won't shut up about ?" She said and laughed. Lol female Klaus you though to yourself. "I'm..y/n" you said "and Its Bekah. Our sister" Elijah said. "Klaus and Hayley will come for the dinner" Bekah said. "Let's prepare"

   You sat next to Kol, opposite from you boyfriend Elijah. He sat next to his sister. And then Klaus and the girl you remembered from Mystic Falls..the wolf girl Hayley. Klaus smirked when he saw you "hello, love" he said and sat down "and hello to my family" he smiled. "Hello, Klaus.." You said. "Hi, Hayley" you said and she answered "Hi" and wat down. "Let's begin ?" Klaus smirked and waiters brought meal, yup they were compelled. After delicious dinner few people came "brothers,'s our dessert" he said. "Klaus..not today" Elijah looked at him. "I'd love some but..we have guest" Kol said. Bekah didn't really care and started to drink, so did Klaus. You didn't like that at all and you stood up "excuse me.." You said and went to balcony, you needed some fresh air. "You okay ?" You heard after few minutes, Elijah were standing in the doorway. "Yeah..just needed some air" you smiled. "Well..I was imagining the dinner much worse" you said and chuckled, he wrapped arm around you. "So did I." He said, holding you. "Would you mind joining us for a drink ? Then we can go for a walk and then to my house" he said and whispered to your ear. "I would love that" you smiled and kissed his soft lips gently.

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