ch 17

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 I didn't know what to believe anymore. The fact that I was stupid enough to believe him or the fact that I actually trust him.

Breaking my thoughts, I heard a knock on my door.

"Thania , it's me".

I seriously didn't want to talk to anyone especially Shania.

"Go away".

Instead of listening, she pushed the door and poked her head in.

"I'm your twin, remember. You can't get rid of that easily".

I did nothing but sigh.

"Oh my god. How do you even see?"

She went to the windows and parted the curtains for the light to show in the room and after the light hit my eyes, I hissed like when a vampire comes in contact with light.

"It's been two weeks. All you do is go to school, hide from everyone including cheer practice, you hardly ever show, and coach is all up in my ass about it. You don't sit with us at lunch anymore, anytime dads not working, you let him pick you up instead of waiting on me, you don't even go to the cafe, your friends are asking about you, when your home, you don't come out unless it's for dinner where you hardly speak. What is wrong with you?".

I said nothing. Even though I know she's right. I just don't know what to say.

"You're not even listening, are you?".

"Actually no, I stopped at the part where you were saying something about coach and your ass". I laughed at her.

"You seriously need to get out of this house, it's a Saturday for Christ's sake".

She got up, kissed me on my forehead and left.

I knew she was right, that was the worst part about it.

I dropped my head back down in my bed lazily.

Throwing the covers over me, I let my mind drift back to the night it all happened.

*** Flashback***

"Kataon". I looked up at his messy blonde hair which was now all over the place.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with what little strength I had in me.

"Thania am sorry, please talk to me, I've been looking all over for you".

"You obviously didn't look hard enough, now what do you want?" I asked as if i wanted to cry.

"I think we're going to go". Travis said looking up a me.

"It was nice meeting you Thania. I hope I'll see you at my party week after next week Saturday".

They said nothing more but left my mom's cafe hand in hand.

"I swear to you that I had no idea about what Kamera posted on Instagram. That was not me texting her. I swear to you".

I scuffed, looked up at him and spoke. By now, my eyes were swamping with tears.

"That's not you huh? You know something, I want to believe you so bad but the fact that it's all there, I can't. Have you even looked at the picture, she didn't save the name Kataon, it was just your number. So, if wasn't you then please enlighten me about who it was, was it your other half or were you too afraid to tell a nerd like me you never liked me?".

I was shaking by now, literally shaking.

"That might be my number, but that was not me, I swear it to you Thania, I'll never hurt you or do anything to hurt you".

I got up and made my way outside, not wanting my mom to see me crying, and as expected, he came and followed behind me slowly but surely.

"Quit following me". I snapped at him, but he did nothing but stood there and look at me.

"Thania talk to me".

I didn't say anything but sigh.

I literally was out of words; I had no idea what to say.

"What am I supposed to say. Huh? The fact that you told her I was nothing but a nerd who you want to prove can be good in bed or the text where you said I was nothing to you but an easy target?".

"Thania listen to me, I don't know how she got my phone or what, but I know that was not me".

Seriously Thania, stop crying. My inner me was now kicking in.

" I want to believe you but..." I was cut off by Kataon who shoved me up against the wall and was now kissing me as if his life depended on it. It was hungry, yet needy and passionate at the same time.

I tried to push him away, but it was no use he was taller and stronger than me.

Finally pulling away to catch his breath, I was now breathing heavily.

"Believe that I still I want to be with you, believe that I want you as my girlfriend, believe that I didn't send those text, believe, believe the kiss".

I wanted to tell him that I want to believe him so bad, but I just can't.

"I wish I could".

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I had to get out of here. I heard him calling me back, but I just couldn't answer, as much as how I wanted to, I couldn't.

*** End of Flashback***

I turn in my bed, to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked up at the time which was now saying it was 5:35. I was asleep for 6 hours. Oh my god.

Paying my attention back to the phone, I answered it.

"Hello. Who's it?".

"It's me Kevin"

"Oh hey Kevin what's up?".

" Nothing more than the fact that you promised Roger you'll be at his party tonight, remember?".

Shit, I totally forgot about that.

"Oh shit. What time is it?"

"7 but you have to be there by 6:30".

"Oh, Ohk then"

"Ok send me your address and I'll be there in thirty minutes".

After coming off the phone, I text Kevin my address and finally got up from the bed, I texted my mom telling her I was going to a party and she said OK.

I made my way to Shania's room knowing my wardrobe had nothing party ready.

I took up a black crop top with a black legging and I paired them with the black I bought before moving here.

Finally getting ready, I heard a car pulling up in the driveway, knowing it was Kevin. I ran downstairs, closed the door behind me and hopped in the car.

Buckling my seatbelt, Kevin spoke.

"Are you sure this is Thania and not Shania?" He asked laughing.

I hit him on the shoulder which causes him to laugh even harder.

"Yes, am sure. Now let's go before Roger chops your head off".

"You look hot by the way".

"Thanks" I was now turning red into a tomato.

"If I wasn't gay. I'll totally do you" he started to laugh.

"Well good thing you're gay". I finished with a laugh.

With this, he drove out of my driveway down the road with me thinking about what was in store for tonight thinking about my first hangover.

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