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Elliot's Pov-
"You know about that vacation you suggested awhile back?" Olivia questioned. Which was very odd of her but knowing what she's been through, I'd do anything for her and she more than deserved, no, needed a vacation. "Can I take you up on that?" She looked up at me. "Anything you want, baby" I cooed, "Where would you like to go?".
"I just want to get away from here, but Paris sounds nice", she gave a half smile, "what if we stay here too long and Brian comes back, and ...and I'm pregnant and, what about the baby!?, what's going to happen El!?" She started crying. "Shh, shh, baby it's okay now, it's okay" I rubbed her back.
"Elliot, I'm scared".
That was about it for Elliot. He'd never in his life or thought he would ever hear those words come out of the fearless and tough Olivia Benson. His heart broke and he wanted nothing more but to kill the son of a bitch who did this to her. He will hunt down Brian, there's nothing to it. Tears threatened to spill but he kept his tough exterior for Olivia. He needed to stay strong in order for Olivia to heal. "I'm right here with you, Olivia...I'm right here baby" I kissed her hair and she leaned her head to my hovering chest and grasped onto my wrapped arms.
"Don't let go"
"Never in my life time Mrs. Stabler".
She smiled a bit, but never left her original sad, melancholy state of mind or mood.
He broke her. He broke Olivia Benson. Never did I think was possible, but that bastard broke her. Her life will never ever be the same again. My face began to boil up with anger and Olivia too, noticed when I squeezed her harder.
"Elliot?" She leaned out of the hug.
"I'm sorry Olivia, I need to step outside".
I couldn't keep it in, I need to punch something. Brian's face would be a good punching bag right now, but he's gone with the wind and I'm about to kill something. I exited the hospital room with Olivia sitting up in bed, shocked. I stormed into the hallway and pushed people out of the way. Nurses or doctors? I didn't care who I pushed over. They were in my way and I need to blow off steam, and fast! I made it into an empty hospital room and started kicking and punching things, and I couldn't help but to loose control.

Olivia's Pov-
     "I'm sorry Olivia, I need to step outside" he said as he let go of me. I felt a pang in my chest and he turned away before my tears spilled. I just wanted to be cuddled up with him or in his arms at the least. I want him with me now more than ever. I feel safe with him, and now I think he's mad at me! Now he can't handle me. I'm not good enough, no one will ever put up with or be able to deal with me! I could feel a breakdown brinking  on the horizon. I couldn't help but cry. I need to let everything out.
The nurses heard my sobs and knocked on the open door for me to know they were there, "Mrs. Stabler, are you okay? Would you like me to get you some water?" The tall blonde lady asked.
"No thank you" I wiped my tears away. Right when the nurse left and closed the door, I broke down again. Does Elliot know how much I need him right now? I was now breathing too fast and short. I was having a panic attack. I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head and the heart monitor speed up. The doors flung open, "She's having a seizure!" one of the nurse's said.
Then it all went black.

Elliot's Pov-
     I stepped back out into the hall with bloody knuckles but less of a temper. "Sir, we're going to ask you to move!" Doctors running past yelled. There were several of them fleeing into a room. I walked closer and I recognized the room, it was Olivia's! Oh shit!
I ran into her room and tried to look past all of the doctors. I couldn't understand what they were saying. They all hovered over Olivia and injected many needles. The heart monitor slowed down drastically.
"Run her blood work!" One doctor shouted.
I fell to my knees and let all of my tears fall. It felt like the world around me had just stopped. Just the slow beeping of Olivia's heart monitor was all that's left. I looked up to her and she seemed peaceful laying in the bed. She was so beautiful.

"Mr. Stabler, we put her in an induced coma so she'll be waking up very shortly" the last nurse standing in the room with him said. He hadn't realized all of the doctors left the room, it was all a blur. Nothing in this world mattered to him besides Olivia and his 5 week-old unborn child.
I was so caught up in my thoughts, and barely answered the nurse but she seemed to understand and left me alone with Olivia in the room where I needed to be. I shouldn't have left her. She was so scared.
I walk over to Olivia's bedside, sat down, and squeezed her hand.
"I'm sorry I left you when you needed me the most" I sobbed into her still shoulder.
"I will never let go" I said, and not knowing if Olivia was hearing all of this.
"I love you so so much and my world will crumble down without you...and I'm sorry for being so selfish" I finished.

I stayed laying in her shoulder and fell asleep, not caring about the world around me. It was just me and Olivia.

Thanks for reading!!!!!
I want to thank y'all for helpin me reach 30 votes on my first chapter!!!! I love you guys so much!!!!
Part two will be posted really soon!

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