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This chapter contains rape

"Brian get off of me!" She screamed, hoping to alarm a neighbor. He slapped her against the face which left Olivia clutching her stinging cheek. "You whore!" He spat. "Bria" she tried, "...please, you don't have to do this!" She begged and reached out for the door handle, barely able to before he kicked her lower stomach. She doubled over in pain and let out a groan in pain. "Ow" she moaned, wondering why it got so painful all the sudden. "Whores get nothing!" He spat in her face and lowered his body close to hers. He got close to her face as she turned her head away. She didn't want to look into his fiery eyes. He started to unbuckle his belt but his eyes never left hers. "Help!" She screamed, this time she was sure someone heard. He grabbed her jaw and forcefully turned it to look straight into his eyes while he forced his mouth on hers. She struggled and never gave up although he was too strong. He held her hands back while he forced himself inside her. She screamed more and more but no one was coming to help. Warm tears fell as she soon began to realize that this was really happening. A detective working for SVU is getting raped. At that moment, she felt him slow down as if he was getting weak. She took that chance and kneed him as hard as she could right in the groin. Clutching his crotch, Olivia got on her hands and knees and stood up to open the door. The door didn't open, she had to unlock all of the apartment door locks. After several attempts, she made it in time before Brian stood up and chased after her. "Someone help me!!!" She screamed down the hall, and luckily there were people.
It was over. It was finally over. Brian turned around and ran in the other direction, escaping the scene.

Olivia's POV-

"Olivia, Olivia, can you hear me?" the nurse asked. My eyes fluttered open, forgetting what had just happened to me.

"Olivia, your husband Elliot is here to see you now" the nurse turned towards the door which revealed Elliot. Tears filled my eyes again when it all came back. "El" I croaked. He rushed to me and held my hand. "Baby, it's okay " he soothed. "It's going to be okay" he looked at me.

I looked down at my new hospital attire. "Did they...you know" I stumbled trying not to think of when or how they did the rape kit. He nodded his head yes and I felt the tears arise again. Elliot looked more at ease for some reason, "Olivia, baby" he started.
"Elliot, what!?, was there any semen to prove it was Brian!?" I felt like I was going to break if he said no. "Yes baby, and they also found..." he paused.

"Found what?" My gaze was strong, awaiting his answer hoping that I didn't have any STD's.

"Olivia, we're having a baby" he kissed my hand. I was in complete shock. After all that just happened, I was crying tears of joy. "What?" I asked again out of disbelief.

"You're 5 weeks pregnant, Olivia"

Thanks for reading!

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