Chapter 5⃣

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Ashley's P.O.V.

Niall and I walk in and are greeted by four VERY attractive guys. Niall says hi and then introduces me to them. "This is Ashton, that's Calum, that's Michael, and that's Luke. "Hi Michael.", I say. "Hey, did you ever go to sleep?", he asks and Niall, along with the other boys gives us a questioning look. "You wouldn't understand.", I say while laughing and slightly glance at Luke. He was the hottest out of all of seriously oh my god. All of a sudden I get a text from Calum.

C: Stealing glances at Luke are we?

Me: I am not!

C: sure....I saw you look at him thinking your all secretive pft...the only person that didn't see it was him.

Me: okay whatever you want to think.

Calum looks up and smile as I stick my tongue out at him. "Hey Ashley what's your number?", Ashton asks. Jesus Christ his accent is beautiful. I tell him that and notice Luke is putting my number in his phone too.

A: guess what

Me: what

A: I'm Ashton Irwin and you're at my house!

Me: haha yes I am

I save his as a contact and then get a text from Luke.

L: hi I'm Luke Hemmings and I'm a penguin.

Me: hi I'm Ashley Horan and I'm a red panda.

L: holy shit no way

Me: yes way haha

I save him as a contact putting a 💚 after Hemmings... You know that moment when you meet someone and you instantly want to marry them, yea that...was this moment.

Luke's P.O.V.

Ashley was seriously beautiful... I had to force my eyes on something else but her because if I began to stare, I wouldn't stop. I put her as a contact with the name Ashley Hemmings (Horan). I know I'm being stupid because we aren't even dating and I just met her but I oh well. I notice her taking an interest in Ashton. She keeps asking him random questions...I couldn't help but feel multiple pangs of jealousy. After a little bit Ashley walked over to Louis and they started being really crazy and talking about random things. I walked by and heard her say, "Ashton's accent is really fucking perfect haha, and Michael and Calum are really awesome like seriously.", she doesn't even think I'm awesome

or like my accent or anything....


I was listening to Ashley babble about how awesome 5sos were. "Ashton's accent is really fucking perfect haha, and Michael and Calum are really awesome like seriously.", she began. "But then there's Luke, he is I don't even know there's something about him, I'm immediately infatuated with him, and his lip piercing good god...I can't even.", she says. "Aw...Ashley has a crush!", I tease her. "Shut up!", Ashley jokes. We both laugh and I are her eye travel to wear he was. I told her that she should talk to him and lightly push her in his direction.


"Hey Luke.", I say, trying hard not to die of feels. "Oh, hey Ashley.", he says. I didn't really know what to say, I felt like I would say something stupid. "I like your lip piercing, it suits you.", I say with a smile. "Aw, thanks.", he says. "HAY BITCH!", my drunk brother says walking over to me. "Oh god that's great he's drunk

He can't drive us home.", I say groaning. Ashton was close by and must of over heard me because he said "you could stay here, I have plenty of room.". "What about clothes?", I ask. "I'll take you to home real quick if you want.", Ashton replies. "Okay," I say. "Can I go?", Luke asks. "If you want.", Ashton and I both say. "ASHLEY AND ASHTON SITTIN IN A TREE K I S S I N G FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES MARRIAGE, THEN COMES THE BABY IN THE BABY CARRIAGE!!", Niall screeches. My checks turn red and I change the subject saying, "okay let's go."

"I'll wait here.", Luke and Ashton both say. "Okay.", I say getting out to grab Niall and I both clothes.


"Do you like Ashley?", I ask Ashton as soon as Ashley shuts the car door. "Yea, she's really nice.", he says. "No I mean like her more than a friend.", I state. "Oh.... I mean she's pretty and everything but I don't really like her as anything more than a friend.", he says. "Okay just wondering.", I say. "Wait, do you?", Ashton asks smirking. "What, no! Okay maybe a tiny bit...okay yea a lot.", I admit. Ashton smirks and I say, "Don't even start." "I won't, I won't..", he says trailing off. "She said she liked my lip ring.", I said and smiled. "Awwww, she likes youuuuu.", he says messing with my hair. I fix my hair and say, "Yea right, she talks about you, Calum, and Michael way more than she does me..." "I'm sure she just talks about you when your not around.", Ashton said with a smile.


I just grabbed Niall's clothes and went to my room to get some for me.

All of a sudden I get a text from Taylor....great.

T: What's up whore, killed yourself yet? If not you really should because you are an ugly, fat, worthless, and pathetic piece of shit.

*WARNING* Some what graphic.

I read her text and tears begin running down my eyes. 'Just a couple little cuts', I told myself before taking my phone case on and grabbing my razor blade. I press the blade to wrist and slash it over my skin. I do this 6 more times and stare at my wrist as it bleeds. I finally decide I've lost enough blood and head to the bathroom. I hold a dark red rag to my wrist till it stops bleeding then wash my wrists off. I go back to my room and grab my pjs and clothes for tomorrow. And head out of the door.

"Took my bit longer than I expected.", Luke said. "Eh, it was hard to find Niall's clothes, his room is a mess.", I partially lie, Niall's room was a mess. "Typical Niall...", Ashton said while laughing.

When we got back Niall was no where to be seen. "Well I think he met a girl, Jessica. Think they went somewhere..Iike up stairs... I don't know, pretty sure they weren't going to have sex though.", Calum explained. "Oh okay.", I said. I yawned, damn I'm tired. I check the time, 2:32 a.m. ALREADY? Jesus Christ time flew by. My thoughts were disrupted by Michael saying, "maybe you should go to bed, you seem tired." "Yea...I'm really tired haha.", I say yawning again. "Here, why don't I have Luke show you where the bathroom and where you'll be sleeping is.", Ashton says. "Okay.", I say and grab Luke's hand pulling him up the stairs. I felt a shock go trough my veins, but I didn't let go, I couldn't...who knows if that would ever happen again.


Ashley grabbed my hand, I repeat, Ashley grabbed me hand. ASHLEY FUCKING GRABBED MY GOD DAMN HAND. I mentally thanked Ashton as Ashley pulled me up the stairs. Okay well there's a couple of rooms, I'm staying too, I'm in this one." I said pointing to the one I was staying in. "I want this one.", she said pointing to a room next to mine. "Okay the bathroom is right there.", I said pointing to the bathroom. "Okay, thanks.", she said to me. "Welcome.", I said with a smile. "It was really nice meeting you.", Ashley said giving me a hug. I'm pretty sure I would've been caught blushing from a mile away, good thing she couldn't see my face.

She pulled away, said goodnight, and went to her room.


I change into my pjs, which consisted of a red long sleeve pajama shirt (it was kinda like a sweatshirt, with no hood) that had had "1D" on the front in white letters, and black shorts. The only reason I don't cut on my thighs is so I can wear shorts. I take a few seconds to admire the room I was in. It was a dark purple and had Japanese flowers painted on it. I'm guessing this was supposed to be a guest room for girls... I hop into the bed and put the blanks at neck level. Soon after I feel asleep.

A/N: So new chapter. I TOLD YOU I WOULD HAVE ANOTHER P.O.V. I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU!!! Lol but my reads seem really low 😞. Could you guys like...tell people about this fanfic? That would be awesome!

Xoxo, Love you! 💛💙💜💚❤️

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