Chapter 7⃣

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Okay so first I don't know if you caught on but when I put these-> • • <- around words it's a dream so yea



• "I am too a wizard.", I say laughing. "No you're not.", Luke says laughing as well. "Where's my phone?", Calum asks. "How would I know, I'm not a wizard.", I say. "But you just said you were...", Luke said with a questioning grin. "That's because I am.", I say. "But just...ugh never mind.", Luke laughing while rolling his eyes. "Seriously. Where is my phone?", Calum asks. I don't know...try your pocket.", I say noticing his phone is partially sticking out. "It's not in th- oh....thanks heh heh...", he says. "I guess you are a wizard.", Luke says. " know people names Luke Hemmings are supposed to kiss their girlfriend at this time if she's a wizard?", I say. "Oh it that so?", he says and leans in, giving me a kiss." "Hey, I think the wizard and her boyfriend need to get a room.", Calum says. "Or you could get a room and we can have this one.", I suggest while laughing.•

My eyes flutter open and I look around my room. "Pathetic.", I mumble while stretching. I had seriously met Luke a day ago... I take my phone off he charger and check it, I have two texts from my friend, Aubree, one each from all of the guys except my brother (including 5SOS), one from an one each from 2 unknown number, 8 from Sarah, and.....37 from Elyssa.

Aubree's said hey and then what's up, all of the text from the guys said hi, except, Louis, Calum, and Luke. Louis and Calum both said that I was in love with Luke, and Luke's said rawr, okay wow I say rawr too.... The 8 from Sarah said that she gave her sister my number and like hello answer blah blah blah. The 36 from Elyssa were her saying hey then she just put spaces. Another text was from Jessica, no surprise, being Sarah gave me her number, it said could we hang out sometime. Then came the other unknown number....this wasn't a good one. It was from Cara, I thought I had her number too, guess I was wrong. She said I was pathetic and all the other usual stuff. I didn't bother answering the other texts because before I knew it I was cutting.

I took the blade and spelled the words that was said. Soon, the words slut, ugly, fat, bitch, pathetic, and worthless were written on my wrist. I really didn't feel good....I felt like I was going to pass out or puke...isn't that a sign I'm losing to much blood? I hold a rag (no...towel, these were larger cuts then last time...) to my wrist. Finally it stopped bleeding and I finished my after-cutting routine. I felt my stomach grumble and I decided not to ignore it this time, being I'm pretty sure I should eat after I just lost a ton of blood. "Niall, I'm hungry!", I shout. He walks out of his room and says, "Me too, you know what I want?", he asks. "What?", I say. "Nando's.", he says. "Ew no, that makes me want to puke and you're such a carrot.", I say. "I don't know how you don't like Nando's, and are you calling me a carrot...a carrot for my own band?", he asks. "Yes, and I want pizza or tacos.", I say. "You my friend, are the carrot, tacos are so carroty.", he says. "Hey, they are my favourite food!", I yell in protest. "Whatever, I want pizza too anyways so we're getting that. "Kay, can we watch a movie?", I ask. "Yea, let's watch a horror movie.", he says. "I hate horror movies!", I yell. "Please, I'll ask Luke to come over.", Niall says. "Why would you ask Luke to come over?", I ask. "Because you like him.", he says smirking. "Do not!", I say. "Please, I see the way you look at him, you totally do.", Niall says. "Nope, never ever ever.", I say. "Okay....I'll invite all the guys over.", Niall says. "9 crazy fucking boys...I guess that's okay...", I say playfully sighing. "Hey guess what?", Niall asks. "What?", I say. "They are already hear, they're out in the living room, I was in my room just grabbing my phone.", he says, it's a good thing I didn't admit to Niall that I liked Luke, because my guess is I haven't heard them because they were eavesdropping." I walk out to the living room to see all of them looking up, but then look at their phones once they notice my presence. "Why didn't you answer my text?", they all say. "Because I don't know how to spell dinosaur.", I say, glancing over at Luke. "Rawr.", he says with huge smile. I chuckle and look at Louis who is whispering to Calum. "I hate the word chuckle too....", I say. "You have problems.", Harry says looking at me. "Hell no.", I say laughing. "Yea you do, you hate Nando's, plus you don't like me, how can you not like me, I'm fabulous.", he says flipping his nonexistent shoulder length hair. "Yea yea yea, sure...", I say sarcasticly. "I want pizza too.", Michael says. "How many pizzas do I even get?", Niall asks. "Um...I don't know...5.", I say. "Okay.", Niall says and leaves the room to order. Calum leans over and whispers in my ear. "We told the other guys." I look around the room at all of them except for Luke (but he was at the end so it looked like I looked at him too). "What do we do while we wait?", I ask. "Let's play truth or dare.", Calum said with a devilish grin as he quickly looked at me and Luke, only to be noticed by me though. "Okay.", I say. "You ask first.", I say to Calum. "Luke, truth or dare?", Calum asks. "You're a scary pervert so truth.", Luke says while laughing at his own comment. "Who is the hottest person in this room?", Calum asks. "Ashley.", Luke says quickly. "Oh, is there any particular reason for that?", Calum asks with a smirk. ", she's just...the only girl in this room so...", Luke says quickly. "Zayn, truth or dare?", Luke says changing the subject. "Dare...", Zayn says hesitantly. "Text Perrie and tell her you know a guy named Zayn who knows a girl named Perrie and they are like engaged and stuff.", Luke says after thinking for like 5 minuets. Zayn mutters about how like is bad at giving dares, texts Perrie, and then asks Louis. "Truth.", Louis says. "Who is you favorite person in this room and it can't be yourself.", Zayn says. "Michael, his hair is cool. Speaking of which, Michael, truth or dare? ", Louis says. "Truth.", he says. "Who is the most fuckable person on this planet?", Louis asks. "Katy Perry...", Michael says after thinking for a bit. "Harry truth or dare?", he asks. "Dare.", Harry replies. "Send a text to Gemma telling her you just had sex with this girl and she was extremely good.", Michael says. "I CAN'T DO THAT!", Harry yells while laughing. "A dare is a dare.", I say smirking. "Fine...", Harry says and pulls out his phone. After he sends it he sighs and says, "I hate you Michael. Okay Ashley dare or dare?", Harry asks. "Truth.", I say. "Bitch. I said dare or dare.", Harry says smiling. "Dare...", I sigh. "Kiss....Luke.", Harry says. "Bu- I ca- b- b- wha- n-", I stutter and Harry says, "A dare is a dare.", Harry says with an even bigger smirk on his face then I had. "For how long?", I ask with a sigh. "10 seconds.", he says. I get up and walk up to Luke then stutter some more and do some weird hand gestures before saying, "You're gonna have to stand up." He stands up and then I say, "Great now you're too tall...just bend down a little." He bends down and I kiss him for 10 seconds. I pull out my phone and text Harry.

Me: I really hate you.

H: 😭😭😭 why??

Me: Because you made me kiss Luke

H: hey you should be grateful, since you like him so much😏

Me: but if we keep having to kiss each other it'll be awkward when we hang out on Saturday 😩😩😩

H: You're hanging out with him on Saturday? You'll tell me about that later but fineee I won't make you kiss him againnnn

Me: yayy 😘😘😘love youuu😜😜😜

H:love you too😚😋😋

We play truth or dare for about 20 more minuets and then the pizza arrives. "Hey you look like Niall Horan.", the delivery guy says when he sees Niall. "Ew isn't he in that gay boyband?", my brother asks. "I don't think they're gay...I like their music, it's actually pretty cool." The delivery guy says. "Do you like 5 seconds of summer too?", Niall asks? "Oh god yes.", he says. Niall points towards us and the delivery guy looks at us. He looked about 16 and when he saw us he went, "oh my god...hi.", we wave and a couple of say hi too. Niall pays for the pizzas and the boy walks away but not before saying oh my god about 50 times.

"That was interesting.", Luke says. "Yea, I didn't know guys could be that big if fans.", I say. "Maybe he's gay.", Ashton says. "He didn't look upset when he said he doesn't think we're gay so I don't think he is haha.", Niall said laughing.

Even though there were five pizzas they were gone in about twenty minuets being there were 9 guys."LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!", Michael shouts. "It has to be a horror movie.", Niall says and smiles at me devilishly smiles at me. We all mumble a little okay and Niall says, "Okay come help me pick out some movies.", Niall said and we all get up. As we pick, Louis whispers something in Calum's ear and Calum whispers in Harry's ear and it keeps going and stops just before it gets to Luke. Weird. We end up choosing the Woman in Black and The Conjuring. Before I can get back they all run and sit down leaving three spots open. Niall ends up sitting in the single spot, leaving Luke and I to sit next to each other.

"HOLY SHIT!", I scream and bury my face into Luke's chest. "Please it's not even that scary.", Luke says laughing. "Bull shit.", I whine. "You're such a wimp.", Luke says while laughing. "It's not my fault this is scary as hell.", I say.

After The Woman in Black is over we watch The Conjuring. During it, I scream and put my hand on my forehead and began to pant. Michael leaned over Luke and said, "Shut up.", and hit my wrist. I winced and yelped in pain. "God are you okay, I didn't mean to hit you hard.", Michael quickly apologized. "It's fine it only hurt that bad probably because I'm scared as hell.", I say laughing. We shut there for a couple awkward seconds then turn back to the TV.

"You screamed like every five minuets.", Louis said laughing after the movie was over. "Did nottttt.", I say. Everybody looks at me for a couple seconds then laughs. "What?", I ask. "Ashley.", Calum said looking at me with a smile. "Shut up!", I yell while laughing and hitting him with a pillow. "Um...I really dint want to sleep in my bed alone...but I'm really tired....", I say kinda awkwardly. "Fall asleep out here.", Liam says and shrugs. I shrug too and Niall goes on the TV mode and goes to 266. "Niall, I will not watch my ghost story caught on camera after watching those movies.", I snap. "Fine you pick a channel.", he says and tosses me the remote. I go to 285 and deadly sins is on. "That's better.", I say and set the remote on the armrest beside me. "So you can't watch a show about ghosts, but you can watch one about murder?", Michael asks me. "Yep.", I say and turn my head back to the TV. Eventually I fall asleep.

A/N: Okay so late update because I was sick and couldn't really think what to write so yea...

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