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The look on Kat's parent's faces was priceless when they saw their daughter walk down stairs in her ripped black shorts and leather jacket once more. They missed her pink and blue colored clothed daughter but they knew that was just the phase of the week.

"Nothing but black." Kat's father whispered to her mother.

"Morning fam, not hungry, gotta go." Kat yelled before slamming the door to the garage. On her way over to Greg's she applied her signature red lip stick in the dirty rear view window.

Greg came out waving all happily and smiling, "Kat, finally!"

"What's up little dude?" She asked relaxing in the felted chair.

"Oh nothing." Greg said leading on a little bit too much.

"Fine then, kid. Keep your little secrets." Kat laughed rolling down the windows to enjoy the warm breeze around her.

The rest of the short drive was utter silence, with the exception of heavy rock on the stereo. Kat felt better having her leather jacket on again and knowing her red lipstick was bringing attention to her full lips.

"I don't need a ride after school today, I'm going home with Rowley." Greg said to Kat getting out of the car as soon as she parked.

"Okay." Kat said grabbing for her bag and leaving the car as well. When she slammed her door, a familiar face was right behind her.

"Kitty." Rodrick laughed giving a good look at Kat.

"Hey Rodrick." Kat laughed back starting to walk past the boy.

"I needed to ask you something." He said back, sounding less confident and laid back as before.

"Yeah of course," Kat looked at him, "what's up?"

"I need some help with english, I know you get A's on all of the tests and I haven't passed a single one higher than an 83." He admitted looking disappointed.

"Like, me, be your tutor?" Kat questioned finally getting to her locker.

"Yeah, kinda, if you don't mind." Rodrick said scratching the back of his head leaning against the lockers.

"My house, tonight at 7, can't say no." Kat said winking and walking to talk to a few of her friends from class.

"Katrina! Rodrick is here!" Kat's mom yelled from downstairs

"Okay send him up I am trying to find a book!" Kat yelled back down balancing on a stool reaching into the top shelf of her closet. She stood on her toes to try and get more leverage but it lessened her ability to keep up right. She leaned back to try and get more balance but all that did for her was cause her to free fall off of the stool with books all in her hands. But when she fell back she landed in a pair of strong arms.

"You really are falling for me aren't ya'?" Rodrick said sarcastically with a devilish smile.

"Let me down you idiot." Kat laughed hitting his chest.

"Okay, well I'm here." He said awkwardly as the two stood in the middle of the room.

"Well let's get started," Kat said looking down, "we can sit on the bed I guess, my desk is really small."

"Whatever you say teacher." He joked to her and flopped on the bed.

"So what exactly are you having trouble on in class?" Kat said immediately cringing at her choice of words.

"The book we are reading, it's so god damn confusing." Rodrick scoffed tossing a copy of The Great Gatsby onto the bed.

"This is one of the greatest books of all time, Id be happy to help." Kat said with a smile getting excited. Kat didn't like reading but she always made an exception when it came to the dramatic fling of the 20s that was The Great Gatsby.

"God you can be such a nerd." He pushed at her shoulder and laughed.

"Well this book is the perfect illusion from the roaring 20s. The main character, Gatsby, he's this rich man who only wants to find his true love, Daisy, again." Kat explained.

"How did he become so rich?" Rodrick asked.

"He was born James Gatz, a son of a poor farming family. But he wanted greater so he helped a millionaire by the name of Dan Cody who taught him the ways of the wealthy. Even though Dan's fortune was left to Gatz, he never actually go the money. Dan's mistress or wife or whatever made sure all the money went to her. So he joined the army and left behind the love of his life. After that he was able to move to New York, change his name, and climb his way to the top." Kay explained flipping through the book while he wrote down answers into his study guide.

"And what's with the Daisy girl?" Rodrick asked turning to lay on his stomach.

"Daisy and Gatsby fell in love when they were 19. But he was leaving for the war that week so their relationship was short lived. So he left, became a war hero, and came back to seek easy wealth and his love. Luckily his new friend, Nick, was related to Daisy, who happens to be married to another rich man named Tom. Small world huh? But anyway, Nick takes Gatsby to see Daisy and they instantly fall in love. And Gatsby is relentless, all he wants is for Daisy to admit to him and her current husband that she has only ever loved Gatsby. This obviously causes problems and what are you doing?" Kat asks half way through the explanation looking at Rodrick who was looking more fascinated than she's ever seen.

"Sorry I was just listening." He said shaking it off.

"Write this down." Kat laughed pushing him slightly.

"Okay, okay kitty." He put his hands up in defense and grabbed for his pencil.

"Why do you call me that?" Kat said slowing her laugh.

"What?" He asked.

"Why do you call my kitty?"

"Oh I don't know, it's just your nickname from me." He said smiling.

"It's cute." She laughed scrunching her nose a bit. He took notice of that little reaction and continued to stare at her from the laying down position he was in.
She looked down at him as well with a smile.

"As much as I like you being a total badass, I think I like nerdy Kat better." Rodrick said giving her big puppy dog eyes.

"I am not a nerd, stop saying that." She said going to push him, but instead he grabbed her hand and she was pulled on top of him.

"Maybe I will like this even more." Rodrick said before pressing his lips to hers.

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