Chapter 43: What?

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Justin's POV:

I just talked to Mia two hours ago. She's still mad at me. How could I be so stupid?! I miss her like crazy and I lost her. I went to Brandi's house the other day, and Mia wasn't there. She's all over the place, which makes it impossible for me to find her. She goes house to house from her relatives nad friends, and hotel to hotel. It's hard to track her down.

I continue to walk down the sidewalk. It's ten 'o clock at night and I'm at the park. I thought a walk in the park would help me a little. I keep making my way through the park when I see a girl swinging on a wing. She looks pretty upset. I walk further and look more closely. It's Mia!

I run up to her. " Mia," I call. She stands up from her swing. I come closer to her and stop. " Mia," I say. I go to say something else, but before I can Mia embraces me tight. She starts sobbing. " I missed you," she tells me. I hug her back. " I missed you, too babe," I say back.

She pulls away and looks at me. I look at her big brown beautiful eyes. I smile. " Mia, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being stupid. I should have told Victoria to stop. I'm sorry. Everyday since you left has been a struggle for me. Makenzie misses you and I do, too. I'm so sorry baby. Forgive me," I beg. She hesitates.

" Justin, no. I was the stupid one. I overreacted. It's just seeing you smiling and enjoying yourself around her hurt me," she explains to me. I grab her hands and cup them in mine. " That thing with Victoria was nothing. I promise," I tell her, pouring my heart out.

I take a good look at her. She still seems hurt. " Do you still love me?," I ask her. " Justin, of course I do. I never stopped loving you. I was just pissed off," she replies. " Well, if you still love me, please forgive me. I don't wanna lose you. Forever and always remember?," I ask her. She grins. " I remember," she says. " Then, come back home with me. I miss you," I say to her.

Mia presses her lips to mine. She nods. " I love you," she says to me. " I love you, too. I'm so sorry," I say back. I put my arm around her and we make our way back home.


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