Chapter 41

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The place we're in looks like an island in the Olympian World. As usual, it was greeny and vibrant. There is also a temple far from here.

"Where are we, Irish?" Damon asked.

Irish squealed. "Oops, sorry! Kinilig ako! Anyways, we're in Mnemosyne's island! Figured out that you, my friends, need to remember what happened back in June 19!"

I smirked at her. Then, I nodded. As expected, she's smart. Hindi ko naman 'yon inutos sa kaniya, at sariling desisyon niya 'to.

"But how are you sure that she's here? Malay niyo, wala pala siya," Aster said.

I shook my head at her, "Then we will find a way to bring her here, if she isn't. This is an urgent matter for us, and we all need to remember, Aster. Only our memories can answer our questions."

Diane sharply exhaled, and from her hands, moonlight formed and then she wielded a bow and arrow up to the skies.

"Parang gan'to ba?" tanong niya at nagpaulan ng sunod-sunod na pana sa langit. Then it glowed and formed a phrase.


Natawa naman kaming lahat dahil d'on. This girl is really brave, huh? Wala talagang kinakatukan. Sabagay, hindi nga siya takot na mamatay, sa mga diyos pa kaya?

She smirked, "Effective kaya?"

Napailing nalang ako sa kaniya, at tuluyan nalang kaming nagtawanan— tila nakalimutan na kung ano ang totoong pakay namin.

Sometimes we really just want to close our minds to what tomorrow may bring, and just enjoy the present time. However, in the end of the day, our actions today will always reflect on tomorrow and forever.

That thought made my smile fade away.


Napatingin naman ako sa mga ulap nang naramdaman at napansing may kanina pa palang nakatingin. I counted all ladies who were looking at us— Nine.

The Nine Muses! Anak ni Zeus at Mnemosyne.

Clio, who was in the lowest cloud held a clarion in the right arm and a book in the left hand. The muse of history.

Euterpe was holding a flute, and many instruments were around her. The muse of music.

Thalia was holding a theatrical comedy mask. The muse of comedy.

Melpomene, who had a bat on her shoulder, was holding a tragedy mask. The muse of tragedy.

Terpsichore, who was wearing laurels on her head and ballet shoes, was holding a harp. The muse of dance.

Erato held a lyre, and love arrows and bows. The muse of love poetry.

Polymnia— ay hindi pala siya nakatingin sa'min. Nakatingin lang siya sa langit, while holding a lyre too. She was in the highest cloud. The muse of sacred poetry.

Ourania had a celestial sphere and a bow compass. The muse of astronomy.

The last one, Calliope, who held nothing at all. She is the superior Muse. The Muse of epic poetry. The one who guided Homer in writing Illiad and Odyssey.

"Gago, effective nga," saad ni Diane na napansin na rin ang mga Muses.

The Muses descended to the land one by one.

The SemideusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon