But Me|Keith Powers🙊

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I'mama need y'all to take a minute and look at daddy! 😍😍👅💦👀👆🏾

Drip. Drop. Drip.

I lay silently as rain continued to tap on my window. I never liked rain. To me, it was always so depressing. Instead of going to sleep, I just kept hearing and focusing on the hypnotic sound of the dripping. It definitely didn't make it easier to wait for Keith to get back from L.A. He was there for a couple weeks doing two magazine photoshoots to promote his career. I didn't always like when he went away, but I could get behind a good work ethic. His plane was scheduled to arrive in two days, but I missed him. A lot.

I shifted uncomfortably under the sheets, still trying to find a position. I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, which read 2 am. I tried going old school and counted sheep, but to no avail.

I jumped at the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. A pair of soft lips came and left a feathery kiss on my temple. I knew exactly who it was, but I was far too tired to show my enthusiasm about him coming home early. "Hey," I greeted him, reaching up for a hug. With a sigh, he picked me up by my hips and wrapped his long, muscular arms around me. "I missed you," he mumbled into my shoulder. "I missed you, too." I gave him a quick peck on the lips. He wore a loose white Nike T-shirt, which smelled of his cologne, a pair of grey sweatpants (🙈), and some all-white Air Force Ones. There was a little trace of stubble surrounding his chin hairs and he had slight bags under his eyes. We stayed in the hug for a few seconds, and when he pulled away, his eyes scoped my entire body.

"Were you expecting me or something?" He was gesturing to the fact that I slept half-naked, with only a bra and panties on. He couldn't see because it was too dark, but I was definitely blushing. "You see, what happened was, I couldn't find my pajamas, so I got one of your ninja turtle shirts. When I tried sleeping in that, it didn't quite work out 'cause I get hot too fast, so then--" I was interrupted by the feeling of Keith's lips crashing onto mine, tongue and all. His grip with one arm tightened around my back as the other came to the back part of my knees.

"Keith!" I shrieked in surprise, almost losing my hold on his shoulders. I was extremely short compared to him, and I didn't always like it when he carried me. I'm little; I'm supposed to stay grounded! "Put me down, put me down!"

"Okay, damn," he chuckled, dropping me onto the mattress. I narrowed my eyes and playfully threw a small pillow at his face. "Really? You're starting this now, Y/n?" He challenged, grabbing two or three himself, after removing his sneakers. "We 'bout to scrap at 2 in the goddamn mornin'. You know I take this serious."

"Hope you ready for this, I'm locked and loaded," I goaded him, taking defense with a few of my own.

"Let's just see if you can back that up, 'cause, girl or not, you can catch my fade and these feathers." He flung a pillow across the room, using the other as a shield.

"Nigga...!" I blocked the blow and hurled all my ammo at him as he ran and jumped on the bed, hitting me over the shoulder with my own pillow. My laughing only increased when Keith tackled me, tickling my neck and belly. "Dude!" I exclaimed between breaths, "This ain't funny! You mad childish."

"But you love me, though." He tickled my chin with his finger, giving me a rest from my fit of laughter. "Come on, Y/n, don't you 'luh' me?"

"Yes, you could say that I 'luh' you, Keith," I said with a smile. I began to pick at he feathers that were poking out of the pillow. Our room, or my room, was now a total mess; it looked like World War III just happened. This was my house, but Keith comes around so often you'd think he lives here. "You're helping me clean all this shit up, you do know that, right?"

"Ugh, that sounds like such a "tomorrow" problem," he complained lazily, "but I know what we could do now, though." He raised a thick eyebrow, giving me the side-eye. "Uh-uh, nope," I denied, "we ain't those kinds of friends."

"That's not what you were sayin' three weeks ago when I was nose-deep in yo'--"

"Let's switch the subject."

"I'm being serious. 'Just friends' don't have what we got, do what we did."

I paused, looking into his eyes. "What are you saying?"

"I think we are way past that 'friendship' mark... and I think you know it, too. I can see it, feel it, sense it. The way you look at them other niggas you call your 'friends' ain't the same way you look at me, so where we gon' go from here? I got mad love for you, and you know this already," he stopped for a second, shaking his head, "I know what you need, and I know for a fact that nobody else can give it to you but me."

His face inched closer to mine, to the point where I could smell his minty breath clearly. My palms instantly became sweaty. "You can have yo' fun chasin' them, but with me, baby, all you gotta do is ask," he whispered against my ear, sending chills down my spine.

Neither of us were virgins, but we'd never had real sex with each other before, which meant that, if I chose to be with him now, it could change everything between us.

Keith began to softly nibble around my jaw. It was happening now. "I-I don't think I--"

"Shh, yes, you can. Just relax while I make love to you." He continued by kissing his way down, my skin getting goosebumps every where he touched me. His hands went straight to my panties, not even giving me a moment to think about what he was about to do to me. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach, and not just because of my growing curiosity, but my anxiety. I've never felt this way about anyone else in my life. He's given me oral a couple of times, but the mood for this particular time was very different.

He snapped the elastic band and tore them off me in a flash, almost inhumanly quick. My freshly shaven treasure was now completely revealed to him as he looked upon it in anticipation. "Open up, baby," he instructed before removing his shirt. I counted six distinct abs along with three or four tattoos and a sharp v-line leading to heaven-knows-where. He then gave me his index and middle finger to suck on before he drove them into my slit.

Keith began with slow strokes, curling his fingers with each pump, then gradually quickened his pace, to the point where I was squirming uncontrollably. My long nails clawed at the sheets like there was no tomorrow, my eyes rolled into the back of my skull, and I clamped my lips shut to avoid moaning. "You like dat, huh?" He asked seductively, adding his thumb into the mix, rubbing in a circular motion around my nub. "I'mma test it out." He withdrew his soaked fingers and ran his tongue from the base of his middle finger all the way to his nail.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... It's gon' be a long night for you."

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