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I don't even know what to do anymore. Fuck how dumb am I. "I love you" how fucking dumb can I be. I don't even know her. I don't know anything. I need my meds. No Marshall you don't need them you're fine. Ok Marshall it's 2 am you need to sleep.

But I can't sleep I need my pills. I'm thinking too much I can't sleep. I can't fucking sleep. I can't

I punched the wall next to me leaving a hole.

" fuck "

I sit on my bed and start crying...

"Why the fuck am I here. I'm so stupid I'm so fucking stupid. Fuck this rap shit I'm done. I quit"

"You can't quit marshall"

The door of my room was opening. And there she was. Once again.

"There's millions of people out there waiting for you to come back. Some of them are even coming here to leave you notes and teddy bears. It's not only that they listen to you Marshall.  They love and care about you. You saved many of their lives and you wanna quit? You wanna leave them just because of some fucking pills? I won't let you. I won't let you drop the mic yet. Not now."

"How am I suppose to save their lives if I can't even save mine. Look at me. I look like shit. You want me to go back on stage looking like this? Yeah cuz this is an amazing exemple for the people that watch me 24/7 "

"And that's why you're here Marshall.  You stay here a couple of months and you can go back there and kick every new rapper's ass. Think about it. Think about what you're gonna be able to see when you get out of here. Think about all the face that are gonna cry in front of you when you're gonna be on stage. Think about your girls for fucks sake."

"I need to sleep..."

"Don't quit. There's actually people that care. And I'm not talking about your fans"

She got out of my room leaving me alone. She was right. I felt like proof took over her for a second. Fuck do I miss him.

I looked at the sealing tears escaping my eyes again.

"I fucking miss you doody"

Short chapter but next one will be better

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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