Chapter 9: Nothing I can do

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"Next up is team versus team"

He drew two teams.

"Lamia Scale versus Black Rose"

The audience cheered in excitement.

The two teams entered the stadium.

"Ready, Set...FIGHT!"

The two teams took their stance, except for Lucy.

"Ice Make: Hammer!"

"Shattering Light: Sky Drill!"

"Earth: Rocks"

Spells were thrown across the field as the cheers got louder and louder.

Lucy was still standing at the back as she watched the fight.


Lyon said as he fought.

The two guilds were fighting, until Asuka said,

"I've had enough, let's Finish this!"

Her eyes glowed a bright red, her dress turned into pitch black and red blood, her hair turned into one braid until at the end of her scalp split into two plates.

"I got bored of this child play"

She cracked her neck, while a scar stretched across her eye to at the brim of her jaw line.

"Demon: Devour All"

Mira eyes widened.


Mira warned, everyone did what the mage did not wanting to feel her wrath if they didn't.

A black misty ball formed by Asuka's hand, her teammates all ducked down, except for Lucy of course.


The power surged through the whole stadium.


The black power ball stopped at Asuka's demand.


The black misty power, searched for the opponent, the power found Lamia Scale, slowly the members started to shake and had trouble breathing.

Soon, the members of Lamia Scale wasn't breathing, their eyeballs were lost.

Mira was shocked.

"Performing that spell is already hard enough...b-but to c-control's gotta be impossible"

Asuka turned to Mira and smirked at her frightened face.

"That's right, that's what a lot of mages thought, not even a demon could perform it..."

Her smirk grew wider as she looked at the feared Mira.

"But the thing is...I'm worse than a demon or Satan himself"

She then swiftly moved herself next to Mira, and whispered.

"But, also you might wanna know this before I thrash you and your comrades...That was my weakest spell"

Asuka walked back turning to her normal form, while leaving yet another shocked Mira.


Asuka once again turned her head to Mira.

"Lucy is spearing her true friends lives, but you shouldn't be worried about winning the games"

She chuckled and turned her head and walked away.

"No, no, no...You should be worried about Lucy"

She then left. Mira felt happy that she was going to speared but she felt sad for her comrades, but there was nothing for her to do about it, she's just gonna have to let it play out.

Mira sighed at the thought.

Nothing I can do

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