Horror Show

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When we got to the nightclub it was quiet. It was around 6pm and the sun was going down. The cops had left the alley and it was completely deserted.
'This.. looks creepy' Dax said.
'Yeah. Come on, lets grab the stuff.'
We walked to the trunk of my car and grabbed a torch each. I opened the secret compartment in the trunk, courtesy of Dean, and passed him a machete, then grabbed one for myself. I closed the trunk then began walking towards the nightclub doors.
'Looks like the front is boarded up, lets go to the back' i said as i turned to Dax.
We started walking towards the doors when i saw that Daxton looked nervous.
'Hey. You okay?' I asked, playfully bumping into him.
'Huh? Uh, yeah. I just.. i'd rather not die here. You know?' He said looking at the machete in his hand.
I grabbed his arm and stopped him from walking.
'You are NOT gonna die, okay? I've got your back! Stay with me and we will do this together. You'll learn right? Thats what you told me this morning in the car! You've got this' i said smiling at him.
'Okay, lets go' Daxton said, grabbing my hand.
We worked our way to the back door.
'Ready?' I whispered to him.
'Ready.' He whispered back.
I slowly opened the door, worried about what may be on the other side. I pushed the door to reveal a completely, 100%.. empty room. Yeah. Empty.
'SERIOUSLY!' I shouted, so royally pissed.
'This was our one solid lead! What the hell do we do now?'
'Well..' Dax started.
'If scooby-doo has taught me anything, we look for clues.' He said with a smile, walking over to a corner of the club.
I let out a slight laugh, but i was still angry. However, i knew he was right so i shined my torch around. An old bar was still in there so i went to investigate. Dirty, old bottles of drink were still everywhere and everything looked dusty. Except the actual bar. The entire counter had scratch marks and there was no dust on it. Almost like.. it had been sat on or slept on.
Just then i felt something cold and wet drip on my head. I touched my head and felt some kind of liquid. As i brought my hands back down in front of my face, i found a bright red liquid. Blood. I looked up just in time for another drop to to fall on my face. I stepped back and wiped my face, continuing to stare up at the ceiling.
'You okay?' Dax asked walking over to me.
'I think i found something' i said slowly.
Then i sprinted for the back door. I'll take the fire escape stairs up to the second floor.
'Arya! Where are you going?' Dax shouted as he started running after me.
As i got to the door to the upstairs, i saw that it was slightly open.
'Arya! What are you doing here? What did you find?' Dax asked, catching his breath.
'Blood' i said, staring at the door.
'What? Blood?' He said in disbelief, still out of breath.
I burst through the door facing the torch forward and holding my machete out.
'Oh. My. God.' I said as i looked in.
'I think im gonna throw up' Dax said, covering his mouth with his hand.
As i shined my torch into the room, the light revealed hundreds of bodies suspended from the ceiling, all covered in blood.
'What the hell' i said as i looked around the room.
Just then, the door slammed shut behind us. I span around and ran for the door. Dax was right beside me.
'Hey! Let us out!' I said continuously banging on the door.
'Arya! Whats happening?!' Dax said holding his torched up to the door.
'Hunters..' said a voice from the other side of the door.
It was deep, gravely, husky. Scary. Dax looked terrified. I told him that he'd be fine and now we are here, stuck in a room full of dead bodies, trapped by a vamp (i assume). I told him i'd protect him. Thats what im going to do.
'What do you want? Let us out!' I screamed, banging so hard that my hands had started to hurt.
'I want you to suffer. I really do count myself lucky that the hunters that came to find us are clearly rookies.' He said slowly, vindictivly.
My mind started wandering. Panicking. I could feel tears welling in my eyes.
Daxton looked at me, i continued to stare at the door trying to get my emotions under control. I felt arms surround me. Daxton just held me.
'Its okay Arya. We're gonna get out. I trust you. Listen to me, you got this!' He whispered in my ear.
I closed my eyes as a couple tears fell. I couldnt help but think of everything my dad told me before i left. It wasnt safe to go on my own. That i needed him. I couldnt survive without him. I couldnt help but think he was right. Its my fault that Dax is here. Ive put myself AND Dax in danger all because i was stubborn and wanted to prove i was strong. Im not strong. Im not.
'Come on Arya, get us out of here.' Dax said quietly squeezing me a bit tighter for just a second.
I wiped my eyes, then turned around.
I can do this. I can do this.
'Who are you calling rookies. You really think that we would come here without backup?' I said hoping that he would believe my little lie.
'Oh? You brought backup? Well, luckily, so did i. Why dont you make yourself acquainted?' He said.
His footsteps grew fainter and i could hear him walking down the fire escape.
'Arya..' Dax said taping on my shoulder.
'He's going to get more.' I said, listening with my ear against the door.
'Arya, they're already here' he said slowly pressing his back against the wall.
'What?' I said as i turned around, looking for what he was staring at.

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