The Crime Scene

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We jumped back in the car and the copper drove away.
'What happened? Is Dax okay?' I asked as Sam closed his car door.
'He's fine. It's fine. Everything's sorted.' He said pulling his laptop out.
'Yeah, but what did..' I started.
'Arya! Its fine.' He said gently, turning to look at me.
The drive wasnt too bad. Sam was telling me about Jess, how school went, his friends.. everything really. Dean pulled into a gas station and sorted out the car. Dax did the same.
'So, Dean was telling me about you and Daxton. He doesnt seem very fond of him.' Sam said as i sat back in the car after getting my laptop from the trunk.
'Yeah, he's not really his biggest fan. Dax was there for me when dad and Dean went hunting. And after you left, i needed him a lot. Dean seems to think he is bad news but he's honestly my best friend.' I said as i watched Dax paying for the gas and Dean looking for candy.
'I havent exactly spoken to him, but he seems okay. Its urr, just, urr..'
'Just what?' I asked turning my attention fully to Sam.
'It is just 'friends' isnt it?' He asked anxiously.
'Yes, big brother. Calm down' I laughed just as Dean opened his door to get in.
Daxton opened my door and bent down so he was at my eye level.
'Are you okay?' He whispered and i heard Sam and Dean talking in the background.
'Yeah! It's a bit weird to be here but, urm, a good weird i guess'.
'Okay, thats good! My, ur, my mom just rang me asking me to come home.' He said placing his hand on my knee.
'Your mom? I thought she stopped speaking to you years ago.' I asked, feeling worried that Dax would get sucked into family drama that he clearly didnt belong in.
'But i never stopped speaking to my sister and she's in trouble. I need to go. Please?' He said kneeling beside me.
'Please? You dont need my permission Dax. Whatever you want. Be safe, okay. Keep me posted. Love you!' I said pulling him into a hug and kissing him on the cheek.
'I love you too!' He said kissing my forehead. He stood up, blew a kiss then shut my door.
'Its house rules Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole.' Dean said putting a cassette in his car.
I giggled as Dean put the car into gear and drove out of the gas station.
'You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve year old' He said, correcting Dean.
Dean turned the music up louder.
'Sorry! Cant hear you!' I shouted
'Musics too loud' Dean added.
We all laughed as we continued down the road, Dean singing. (Obviously!)
We were driving for a while when i saw a sign that said 'JERICHO 7'. Sam had been on the phone for a while, calling places to see if anybody that fit dads discription had been seen.
'Thankyou' Sam said, hanging up the phone.
'Alright, so theres no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue'. He said, clueing the two of us in on his conversations.
I shuddered at the word 'morgue'. The thought of my dad, MY dad, being there. I couldnt handle that.
'So, thats something i guess' he finished.
I nodded and lent back in my seat.
'Hey, check it out' Dean said as he pulled off the road and turned of the engine. Dean opened the glove compartment and pulled out a load of id cards. I pulled out some of mine from my laptop case.
'Marshals?' I asked as i looked at mine.
'Marshals.' Dean agreed, grinning at his ID.
'Lets go' he said pushing himself out of the car.
We walked over to the crime scene. There are a couple of cops scattered around but we go over to two who i presume are talking about the case.
'You fellas had another one like this just last month, didnt you?' Dean said as i looked at the wrecked, abandoned car.
'Who are you?' Said one of the cops as he looked at each of us.
I lifted up my badge. Its my favourite part about hunting.
'Federal Marshals' i said calmly.
'You three are a little young for marshals, arent you?'
Dean started to laugh and i smiled.
'Thanks, thats awfully kind of you!' Dean replied casually.
Sam stayed quiet behind us as he looked at the officers.
'You did have another like this, correct?' Dean repeated.
'Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that.' He answered as we all walked closer to the car and looked over it in more detail.
'So, this victim.. You knew him?' Sam said, causing me to turn and smile. It felt so good to have him back. Just me and my brothers.
I walked away to look at a bit more of the scene, leaving Sam and Dean with the officers. I couldnt help but worry for my dad. That tape. Whatever is happening, its not good.
After examining the scene for a while i walked back to my brothers.
'Thats exactly the kind of crap police work i'd expect from you guys' Dean moaned, shortly followed by Sam stomping on his foot.
'Thankyou for your time' i said before pushing my brothers away, towards the car.
'Gentlemen' Sam said as we walked away.
As we are walking, Dean smacks Sam upside the head, causing me to grin.
'Ow! What was that for?' Sam exclaimed, holding his hand to his head.
'Why'd you have to stand on my foot? He asked.
'Why'd you have to talk to police like that?' He asked back as Dean cut Sam up causing him to stop walking to avoid tripping up.
'They dont know anything Sammy. Nothing of importantance. If we're gonna find dad, we have to do it ourselves.' I answer him.
'Exactly' Dean added.
'But.. Sam is right. You shouldnt talk to police like that.
'Exactly' Sam smirked, causing Dean to scrunch his face up in irritation as he looked back at us.
Sam cleared his throat and nodded his head foward causing me and Dean to look over.
'Can i help you three? said the sheriff as he looked at each of us.
'No sir, we were just leaving' i replied as i continued towards the car.
Dean nodded his head at each of the FBI agents as they walked past.
'Agent mulder. Agent Skully.' He said, opening his car door.
I giggled as we all got in and shut our doors in unison.

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