Chapter Eight

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Apparently, Leif and Aeryn decided the meeting should be outside, where we could get sun and figure out who is doomed with us. (I was feeling rather sassy)

Once  we arrived at the outdoor space, I jumped at a "hey". It was Nikolas, sneaking up on me.

Don't admire his face, don't admire his face, I looked up at him, dang it, and said, "shouldn't you go find anyone with our medallions?"

"Well," he drew out, "I was rather bored after your blonde friend kicked me out... soooo."

"So what?" Im impatient.

"I just searched around, and no one else had our medallions," he smirked, "so I'm all yours."

I wish that didn't please me, I thought to myself, "darn. Here I was, just hoping I wouldn't be stuck with you."

He feigned hurt, "your words struck me. Est-ce que ce serait faux de dire que je ressens la même chose?"

He did not just say that, I thought, "Du solltest jemanden suchen, der sich interessiert."

He laughed, laughed, "guardando a voi, posso dire di aver trovato loro."

"Вы должны проверить свои глаза," I shot back. Feeling victorious, I started to turn, and saw Jet looking completely confused.

"Okay," she drew out a breath, glaring at Nikolas, "first I find you with a guy, then I find you arguing in multiple languages!? What is this? I left you alone for the time it took to get a glass of water! It's official. I'm never letting you out of my sight."

"I wasn't speaking in multiple languages.?" I said, well, more asked.

"You weren't speaking multiple languages," Jet repeated, almost in a trance but a second later she shook her head, "yes you were! Wait, how'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Everything!" Jet exclaimed, "yesterday you could barely say 'hola', and today your speaking fluent everything?? And how'd you do that weird hypnosis thing? I know for a fact I wouldn't disagree with myself."

"I.. I don't know," I stuttered.

"Well," Nikolas broke his silence, "perhaps I have an idea. This, whatever it was, may have been a preview of our 'powers'."

I turned to him, "What would they be?"

"Pissing off Jet?" My friend suggested sarcastically.

"No, silly," Nikolas laughed, taking Jet's words seriously, "perhaps are power is hypnosis? Persuasion? Charm?" He winked at me with the last suggestion.

"But why would we speak multiple languages with charm?" I tried out the sound of my possible power.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because charm is a vocal attribute. To use it on anyone, you'd have to speak anything."

"Okayyyy," Jet started her "I want to leave" excuse, "I'll just leave you two to your 'charm'." With that, she walked away.

"Your friends very sarcastic, isn't she?" Nikolas whispered.

I turned back around to him, "don't change the subject. You," I nudged his chest, "and I," I pointed at myself, "have the same power, and medallion. In the long run, What is that going to mean?"

He chuckled, "there are too many possibilities to count. My preference, however, is one you most likely know."

It was then I noticed how close he was. If I leaned forward an inch, my nose would've touched his chest. (I'm short) It didn't help that his green eyes never left my own.

"I do know," I said backing up, "but it isn't something to joke about. We are here, all of us, to get our keepers back. It's best to remember that."

"Okay," he held his hands up in surrender, "but I know I'm not imagining this, and I'm certain you aren't either. Your blush tells me that."

With that, he walked away. Why does he always get the final word? He's infuriating.. but he may not be wrong, I thought, while wondering aimlessly.



It's been 20 minutes into this 'Medallion buddy' meeting, 17 minutes since I left Jaya, and I was getting impatient.

"Ugh!" I said after greeting another person with a different medallion, "am I the only one with a key!?"

I started walking without any destination. After seeing half the people here find their "buddy", I've realized two things. One: all the current medallions were pairs, and two: all the pairs were a girl and a guy. The medallion gods really planned out this whole powers thing, i decided. By now, a good number of people have had an idea of their powers, and everyone has realized that the medallions meant that they had the same powers. Now all I have to do is figure out MY power. Jaya had her newly found 'charm' and Aeryn had her telekinesis. All I have to go off of is my ability to sneak past people.

To the left of me, I heard a voice. "Sorry I'm late, but the thirteen Ward was to tempting to not explore," it said. I laughed, remembering I thought the exact same thing.

I started walking away, feeling like that was a conversation that didn't require eavesdropping, but was stopped by a warm hand on my arm.

"Sorry," the same voice I just heard apologized, "but while you were listening in on my conversation, I couldn't help but notice your medallion." As he said that, he pulled his own out. It was a key, just like mine.

I turned to fully look at this boy who couldn't be over 19. His eyes, I thought. They were the first thing I noticed. They were a light silver color, almost translucent, and they were captivating. (I barely noticed his man-beauty)

"So..." the boy said, running a hand through his nearly black hair, and bringing my thoughts back to our medallions,"I'm Knox," he extended his hand and smirked at my hesitation to shake it, "it's a pleasure."

End note

The conversation was translated with google, so it may be wrong. Basically, the conversation went like this:

Nikolas: would it be wrong to say I feel the same way?

Jaya: you should find someone who cares

Nikolas: looking at you, I think I found them.

Jaya: you need to get your eyes checked.

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