Chapter Two

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"Welcome," our keeper started his speech, "to the seventh ward's first gathering of the new year!" Our entire ward, jammed into the plaza, erupted into applause. "The seventh ward," our keepers voice sounded again, "better known as the Ward of Tolerance. We live, and learn, to endure all the hardships life throws our way. The most import virtue in life is tolerance. The other Wards surround us with their honesty, and their perseverance, all the while unable to accept our beliefs, but at what cost? The other nine wards are filled with people missing out on the lessons of tolerance. They believe their virtues, their keepers, hold more meaning. We aren't meant to mix with the other wards, as they aren't meant to mix with us. You've all been taught this, but recently members of my court have informed me of doubt among my people. Apparently, there have been questions asked all over the Wards. This is why a meeting of the councils has been called for the first time in 100 years. As the keeper of Tolerance, I thank you, and ask you to be supportive. Always remain." With our wards sign off,the keeper walked off the stage.

The entire plaza erupted. No matter how I thought about it, this was odd. From a young age, we are taught that the other wards aren't as important as ours, that tolerance outranks all other virtues. The others wards feel the same, only about their virtues. The first Ward believes justice is the most important virtue. The second Ward is patience , the third is humility, the fourth has honesty, the fifth follows wisdom, the sixth is loyalty, the eighth has their perseverance, the ninth follows service, and the tenth believes fortitude outranks them all. Our keepers and wards are named by the virtue we follow, and keepers are considered the most knowledgeable about their virtue.  That's why it's odd for there to be a meeting of the council. The keepers are known to not stand each other, and the council is all of them in one room. This is gonna be bad.

"Guys, I think it's safe to say no ice cream, " I said.

"Yeah," Aeryn started, "we should also avoid going outside for a while. The riots will get bad. People are going to be angry that the keeper has to be in a room with the council."

"It's just so odd. Why now? I haven't seen or heard any type of doubt. I mean, school doesn't teach us that the other wards are wrong, we are just reminded that our virtue is the most important," Jaya stated.

"Yeah, let's just get going. School will most likely be cancelled for the week. But," I said, trying to get rid of the gloom,"I have ice cream at my house!"

"Week long slumber party!!" Jay and Aer shouted. That's better, I thought.

For the next few days, the TVs were filled with news. Useless and pointless news, but still news. Yesterday the council met and one channel was all about what the other keepers were wearing, and how it was wrong.

"Guys!" Jaya beckoned Aeryn and I over to the TV, "look at this! I always thought our keeper would be the oldest, but look at the the keeper of Justice! His wrinkles are bad!"

"Jaya!" Aeryn scolded, while taking the chair in front of the TV,"that's so rude!"

"But true," I said while jumping on the coach.

"Ugh," Aer threw up her hands,"you guys are insufferable!"

Jaya crack up, but I was too stuck on the TV. Jay noticed after a minute."Jet? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Did someone turn off the TV?"
Both Aeryn and Jaya shook their head. Odd, I though. Suddenly, the TV lit back up, but with a fuzz. All you could see was an empty council room.

"Hello," a masked voice appeared, "as you may have noticed, the council is gone. Why? I took them. Where? Only some will know. Who am I? The thirteenth Ward's keeper. The keeper of hope."

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