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~Dedication to Fishgirl101~

~Ayame's POV~

I sat frozen where I was.

Venus had escaped.

Master Shredder was on his way to get her and I for his new army.

I had been the one who gave her the nightmares all this time, but her mind had been stronger than mine, but she still had nightmares.

Sure, we were best friends and all, but I knew a good deal when I smelled one, especially when the pay was a new home, food, water, and some big bucks, all for loyalty and doing some of the guys dirty work.

I heard Master Hayota groan as he began picking himself off the ground.

With a growl of frustration, I ripped loose from my chains and yanked him off the ground.

"You idiot! You told me if I gave her the nightmares, she would be to timid to go with the other turtles!" I snarled in his face, baring my long fangs at him.

"It's not my fault! If you would have made stronger nightmares, and hadn't become friends with her, they would still be here, and we would l've trapped those turtles!"

I raised my hand, feeling my nails grow longer into talons as I growled at him, about to tear off his face.

"What's going on here?"

We turned to see a girl with black hair glaring at us, hands in her hips. I put Hayota down, and slightly bowed my head in respect.

"Nothing, Karai."

She looked around the place before returning her gaze back to us. "Where's the turtle freak?"

"She escaped." Hayota growled.

"What?! How!?" She snarled, pointing her sword at his throat.

Hayota held up his hands in defense. "Other turtles came and attacked us, and took her."

I gave him a look, frowning. That's not what happened. He invited them...

"We're they part of the group?" She growled.

He shook his head. "The leader of this group was female." He replied evenly.

"More turtles huh?" she muttered, her eyes holding a thoughtful look before she gave a dark grin.

"We're they all girls?" She asked.

Hayota nodded, looking confused. "Yes, I believe so, uh, why?"

"I wish to meet them, and hopefully we can set up a deal." Karai said with a sly grin before turning to me.

"You, how good is your nose for tracking?"

"Strong as a bloodhounds." I said proudly.

"Good, because you'll be tracking them."


"You'll be working with one of my soldiers, named Dogpound. He has a good nose and should be somewhat helpful to you." She said with a wave of her hand.


"This isn't going to be a problem right? I mean, it's a pretty easy assignment, unless you'd like to tell Master Shredder that you want to... resign." She said looking down at me from her nose.

I gave a huff and glared at her. "No, I won't be."

"Good, now chop chop. Where's there girls, boys are sure to follow." She said with a smirk, giving her sword a twirl.

"And where's there girl turtles, rats can't be far."


After a long car ride of awkward questions and silence, we finally arrived at their house.

It was... big, bigger than I thought it would be considering that they were mutants..and the house was very flashy.

It was white, and had bright yellow trim, with colorful designs on the rest.

"Put this on." Their Sensei told me, handing me a light blue hoodie and blue jeans. I quickly put them on and waited patiently as the rest of them put on their stuff.

"Ok, stay close to me." Sensei told me, as we walked up to the house. I followed her, Kaminira and Akira at my side, and Felecia behind me.

Someone bumped into my slightly and I lowered my head

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Nah, it's fine." I looked up to see a turtle with a green bandana, Aiden, smiling down at me from underneath his neon green hoodie.

I nodded and felt Kaminira grab my elbow and pull me ahead.

We caught up with Sensei as she knocked on the door. A flap opened and bright blue eyes stared out at us.

"Dr. O'Neil, it's me." Sensei said. The flap shut and I heard a clicking sound as the door.

"I see you found her." He said quietly as I took off the blue jeans and sweatshirt they gave me.

"Yes, but He is after her." She growled to him, before taking a deep breath. "Please, check her over, make sure she doesn't have any diseases or any infections." She said in a monotone voice. "We're going on a patrol and we'll pick her up afterwards.

"What about-"

"No." Sensei before he could finish. "Not yet."

He nodded and gently took my hand. "This way." He said quietly, and led me into a huge room with telescopes and pictures of what looked like bacteria.

"What is this?"

"A check-up room of sorts. Stay here." He said and walked out.

I looked around for any sorts of clues but couldn't find any leading to why Sensei snapped.

What had made her so protective? What else was out there?

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