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I waited patiently while I was in the room, not knowing what to do.

Should I be checking the area more, make sure this isn't a trap? Should I be resting? Should I leave and try to find Ayame?

I paced around the room, feeling my skin prickle in frustration from the unknowing feeling in my body.

When would that guy come back?

I heard a soft click coming from outside the door, and slowly turned. Had he come back yet?

"Hello?" a girls voice called out.

That is definitely not him!

I heard footsteps coming closer to my room.

I can't let her see me! She'll freak out! Call the cops or something!

I looked around the room, searching for the best place to hide.

"April, sweetheart, what are you doing" I heard Dr. O'Neil say.

"Oh, I was wondering if you'd let Donnie come over later to test something out in the lab? He found a canister of mutagen and-"

"He can't come over today." he stated flatly, and I heard foot steps coming closer to the door.

"What? Why not?" April asked.

"Because I have important stuff that I need to experiment on."

Wait, I'm in his lab? Why am I in his lab? Is he going to experiment on me like how those robots experimented on Ayame?

I looked around frantically before looking up. I jumped on one of the tables and grabbed one of the ceilings supporting beams before hauling myself up into the shadows.


"Come on dad, it's just one night!" I pleaded.

"April, please understand, he can't come over tonight. I have something I really need to start working on."

"How about I call Donnie and he can help you with it, and then he can do his experiment?"

"How about you go hang out with the boys, and I'll call you when they can come over."

"Really!? Thanks dad!" I gave him a hug before peeking at the door.

"So, what are ya working on?"

"Oh, uh, you know, the usual."

I gave him a look before reaching for the door handle.

"April, you better get going." he said, grabbing my hand and leading me away.

I pulled away. "I can be a few little minutes late dad, it's no big deal." I turned and looked back at the door.

"April, I wouldn't-"

I opened the door and looked in to see his chalk board out with numerous markings of different formulas and pictures of certain types of bacteria and mutagen everywhere.

I walked in and inspected the pictures closely when I heard a soft creak.

I looked up, but just saw the same white ceilings that were in the rest of the building here.

"April, I just got a text from Donnie asking if you were still coming."

"Ok dad." I grabbed my jacket, and gave him a smile before running outside.


Who's Donnie? Why didn't O'Neil tell her about me? Is she allowed to know about me?

"Venus," O'Neil said gently. I stayed silent as I watched him enter the room.

"I want to thank you for getting out my stuff, so why don't you come down here so I can fix ya up?"

I stayed silent, dark thoughts coursing through me. Were Ayame's stories true? Did the robots disguise themselves as humans and then change you? Did they suck your brains out and-

"Venus please, your Sensei will be here any minute." he stated calmly.

I slowly crept down but kept a good distance away.

"Now Venus, I need you too,"

"How do you know so much about mutagen?" I asked critically.

"Because I have witnessed what it does." he stated calmly and slowly took a step towards me.

"Who's Donnie?" I asked, taking a step backwards.

"A person my daughter knows."

"Are you going to experiment on me?" I asked, backing away even more.

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Because I heard you say this is your lab and my friend told me what happens to freaks when they get stuck in a lab and, ow!" I yelped as something pricked my skin. I looked down to see a needle in my arm as the room turned blurry.

"Wha?" I asked as I stumbled, holding my head between my hands, before everything faded into black.

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