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When we got home we called for Splinter. We needed to tell him what had happened earlier that night.

"Master Splinter! Where are you? We have some important info." I yelled.

"And pizza!!" Mikey shouted.

No reply. "You guys can go eat the pizza." I said as I opened the box and grabbed three slices.

They nodded and left with the box. I walked to Master Splinter's room and knocked on the door, "Master Splinter? Are you in there? I have some important news."

I was about to knock on the door again but it opened.

Master stared down at me, giving me a soft smile.

"What need do you bring, Leonardo?"


Venus gave a yawn as she sat up, scratching the back of her head as she looked around.

Where am I...

Venus blinked her eyes open a couple of times before noticing another turtle in the room with her, causing her to jump.

"You've been out for nearly 3 days... Kami was starting to worry." Aiden murmured quietly as he stood, walking over to touch a hand to her forehead.

Venus furrowed her brow and pulled away slightly, before wincing at the movement. "I feel sluggish."

"You went through a lot of treatment." Aiden said back evenly. "You have vitamin deficiency, so we'll have to make another visit to Dr. O'Neil."

Venus gave him a look, using all her strength to not shake her head so she could keep her head ache at bay, "I don't trust anyone who randomly stabs me with needles..."

Aiden chuckled and shook his head, "You might not need needles for this next appointment... but we need to be careful. You got us some unwanted attention last time."

Venus gave a confused, raising a brow, "Unwanted attention?"

Aiden nodded, "There's another group of mutants like us who fight the group we saved you from. They're rash, arrogant, and makes it unsafe for many of us other mutants to come out."

"You make them sound like criminals dear brother."

Venus leaned around Aiden too see Kami standing by the door, twirling a shuriken in her hand.


"You may leave Aiden, I'd like to speak with our newest family member. We have a lot to discuss, starting with why the foot wanted you so much."

"The Foot?" Venus asked confused.

"Kami, she won't have any clue for us about them. She never met the people who were originally going to buy her." Master Takara murmured quietly as she walked into the room after Kami. "I'm going to be talking to a friend soon to see if he won't be able to help us."

Kami frowned, but nodded to her sensei before looking back to a confused Venus, "I guess then we'll start training as soon as your better."

"Ok..." Venus murmured quietly, Aiden grinning excitedly as he came to sit next to her, throwing an arm over her shoulders.

"Sweet! You can be my sparring partner!"

"Let's not be to hasty Aiden, she still needs to find her weapon and heal up."

"Oh lighten up Kami she'll be fine! Won't ya, Venus?"

Venus smiled and meekly nodded as Aiden wooped excitedly. Maybe, she finally found her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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