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Raph, Donnie, April, Mikey and I snuck into Mr. O'Neils lab.

"Dad I'm home!" she yelled. No answer. April shrugged at us.

Just then, we saw Mr. O'Niell hurrying by with a tray with food and water.

"What are you doing?" April asked

"I- was going to bring you some food..."

"I just left," April looked at her dad suspiciously."you saw me."

I was curious at this point.

"The human memory-"

"Shut uuuup"

We all looked at each other with wtf looks when suddenly,


"Ow." a voice groaned.

"It's a ghost!" Mikey exclaimed. April rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Mikey," Raph yelled at Mikey as he slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ghosts aren't real anyway," April said unconcerned.

"Are you sure?" A voice called.

"Focus guys." I say.

We made our way to the door where the voice came from. I slowly pushed the door open...

It was mutant turtle... A girl mutant turtle!

Her chocolate brown eyes looked around, taking in her surrounding before looking at us with an unfocused gaze.

"Who are you?" she asked, slowly pushing herself off the chair she was leaning on.

"I'm Leo, and this is,"

"No, I'm Leo." She said suddenly.

I took an a deep breath. "No, I'm Leo, and this is,"

"Nooooo, I'm Leo." she slurred.

"Leo, let her get the drugs out of her system," Mr. O'Neil warned me.

"Look, whoever you are, I'm Leo and these are my-"

"I'm Leo." she slurred again.

I took in another deep breath. "Look,"

The windows bursted open, and glass shattered everywhere. Donnie leapt protective in front of Mr. O'Neil and April, while I covered my face with my arm.

I slowly put my arm down to see four shadows come through the windows.

A turtle with a blood red bandana walked calmly up to the female turtle.


The turtle grabbed her by the back of her neck and ushered her to the windows.

"Wait," I called and jogged toward them just as a turtle with a bright green bandana leapt forward.

He wiped his sword toward me, nearly taking my head off. I ducked and looked up just in time to see the jumping out the window.

"Bye L!" Shouted the voice that mimicked me a minute ago.

I got up and turned to see Mr. O'Neil. "Friends of yours?"

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