Chapter 1

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do you remember the taste of my lips that night

I stole a bit of my mother's


Halsey crooned over my speaker, her voice meshing perfectly with the sound of the rain striking my bedroom window. I was cocooned in my fleece blanket, I'd just had a cup of tea and I had an assignment due the next morning. I also had virtually no clean clothes and a bunch of errands to run. Perfect napping conditions. Now, the smart thing to do would be to stay up and get at least one of the many things I had to do done.

Intelligence is overrated.

I'd barely fallen asleep when I felt a weight suddenly settle on my body and warm breath wash over my ear and the side of my face.


I grunted in response.

"Are you awake?" a voice whispered directly into my ear.

"Do you have a death wish?" I responded irritatedly.

I groaned under the weight and turned my body so that I was face to face with my assailant. I raised a brow, my expression undoubtedly unimpressed, at the disgustingly happy face looking down at me.

This was one of the things that amazed me about Victoria, she was one of those terminally cheerful people, even in the morning. Especially in the morning. She basically had a permanent smile on her face. Honestly, it was a little creepy. Okay, mostly the morning thing was creepy. Morning people CANNOT be trusted. A lock of blue hair fell out of her sloppy ponytail and she just batted it aside impatiently.

"Someone's a little cranky," she chirped.

"And someone needs to eat less pizza," I retorted in a mockingly chipper tone while playfully pretending I couldn't lift her off me.

She rolled her eyes at me before rolling off me and turning to face me.

"You're still coming out with us tonight right?" she asked.

"Ummm..." I mumbled.

Was I still going out with them? Netflix and Chinese food sounded pretty good, much better than getting dressed up just to get sweaty and drink warm beer while dodging handsy frat guys. Not to mention, I didn't really like Victoria's friends. This was a girl who lived in leggings and changed her hair color on a seemingly bi-weekly basis, by herself and her friends were...just not. She'd met them in one of her intro classes and she swore that I just needed to warm up to them and that they really were sweet.

I wasn't sure why she hung out with them at all and I wasn't looking forward to spending an evening with them. She must have sensed me talking myself out of going because she launched herself at me again so that we both landed in heap on my bed.

"No!" she yelled, "You have to come out with us this time. You promised me you would and the girls are so excited to get to know you better."

I gave her a look overflowing with disbelief and she rolled her eyes,"Okay, so maybe excited isn't the right word but c' it for me! Roommates do stuff for each other right?"

"I have an assignment due tomorrow, I should really stay in and get it done," I told her.

"So do it now! PLEASE!" she begged.

I sighed in near defeat,"I have nothing to wear though. You know my laundry's piled up."

"Then you'll borrow something of mine! There's no getting out of this, we're going out and you're going to have fun!" she huffed before sitting up and thumping me with one of my pillows a few times. Once she was satisfied, she hopped off of my bed and headed for the door.

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