Chapter 21: Glimpse of the past

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(Starting from this chapter it will still focus on the team, but also with several characters from season 2)

It started as any normal day for Dick Grayson, who is now living in Blüdhaven with his girlfriend who was out looking for something "She'll be back this evening" he says looking at Wally "But she's been done for several weeks already, each time she plans to come back she finds a lead" the speedster says earning a sigh "At least she's not dead yet" Artemis says glancing over Wally's shoulder "And Good morning" she adds seeing the coffee "Morning to you too" Dick says, but they're conversation is interrupted by Kaldur who says "Mountain now!".

At the mountain Batman is also waiting for everyone "Nightwing, where did she say she was heading next?" he asks, but it's answered with a shrug "I see, the league detected a weird portal last night, when we went to investigate we found Amber's watch" Batman says, at that point the younger members walk in "Alright then, we'll go" Nightwing says only to be interupted by Robin "We're coming too" the boy says, Batman however says "We can't let you do that Robin, Shadow is capable of taking care of herself, not to mention there are other missions for you guys" "Come on" Connor says before running of with the rest of the original team.

At the desert they look around a bit, but are brought somewhere else the next instance.

At the old ancient desert city Wally is taking care of a farm with M'gann "Hurry, the prince is expecting some soon" a guard, or rather, Artemis calls over "I don't get what the hurry is about" M'gann says, so Artemis stops her horse "The prince of another land is visiting with his sister and brother" she says before heading on. At the palace a royal advisor is listing things they have yet to get for the feast and prince Richard is getting bored of it "Instead of telling me all this, wouldn't it be more useful if you actually got that?" he asks, but the annoyed tone is very clear and the advisor bows "Right, prince Kaldur has arrived" he says just as the doors open, so Richard turns to the poor overworked man "Get everything ready by tonight, understood?" he asks and the advisor leaves quickly passing the three others on his way out "It's good to see you again" Connor says, hitting his sister Amber in her ribs "Yes, pleasure to finally meet you" she says, Kaldur sighs "Please don't mind them, Amber isn't used to traveling this long" "Understandable, let me show you to your rooms" Richard says standing up.

Back at the mountain Batman is looking slightly worried, well he's pacing "They disappeared too" he says and Robin asks "Can we finally go now?" "No you can't" Black Canary says "The portal changes memories" she adds "I'll go, along with Wonder Woman and J'onn" Batman says. Black Canary sighs "Right your own missions aren't going to solve themselves" she says earning a groan from the younger members.

At the city Batman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter arrive, obviously not wearing their costumes "Okay..." Diana says looking at Bruce "Well we appear to be merchants of some sort" he says, at that moment a blonde archer on a horse walks past "Excuse me, what's all the commotion about?" Diana asks and the female stops "The prince has important visitors" Artemis says "The people on the farm can tell you more" she adds before letting her horse run of "Wow... Wonder which one turned out to be the prince" Bruce whispers, but they hear gasps when someone bumps into a black haired girl "Are you alright?" Diana asks running over to help her up before J'onn can stop her "Yes, thanks" the girl says rubbing her arm as Diana slowly helps her up "Amber are you alright?" A male asks and the three leaguers see Kaldur and Connor walking ovet "Dizzy, that's all" Amber says and Kaldur looks at Diana "Thank you for helping her" he says and Connor nods before the three leave again "Well we found those three, of to the farms to find out more" Bruce says walking over to Diana who nods "You think they are the important visitors?" J'onn asks, before they can leave however Artemis taps on Bruce his shoulder "The prince is expecting you" she says and adds "Your friends can't come" "We'll be sightseeing, any recommendations?" J'onn asks "The outskirts of the city are good for sightseeing" Artemis says before leaving with Bruce "Why is the prince expecting me?" he asks and Artemis says "It seems the guests don't like the clothes the royal advisor picked for them, so the prince wants you to design some clothes for them".

At the farm M'gann spots the two older heroes "Excuse me! Do you think you can help us" she calls so the two walk over "We need to restore their memories" Diana whispers, but J'onn says "It could cause damage". "We need help with putting these crates on the cart" Wally says and it takes all Diana's willpower not to laugh "Sure we can help" she says and asks "So, we met a guard, can you tell us what's going on?" J'onn asks as Diana easily picks up two crates "The prince is holding a feast, all the important people will be there" Wally says helping M'gann with another crate "How big is the chance to damage their brains?" Diana asks quietly, so J'onn says "Small enough to risk it, Shadow and Nightwing will have to gain them on their own", they finish with the crates and Diana knocks them out cold.

Back at the palace Bruce is getting nervous with his second protege not making up her mind "Please leave us for a moment" Dick says and Bruce sighs "As you wish" he says and leaves the room, locking it from the outside, J'onn had explained everything along the way to the desert, that was probably 4 down, two to go. It soon becomes evening and Bruce is stuck helping Amber "Remind me to never leave on my own again" she says as she closes her eyes "Diana told me they managed to return Wally, Artemis and M'gann to normal" Bruce says with a sigh "You made everyone worried" he adds "I tend to do that yes" Amber says standing up "So how did you get your memories back?" Bruce asks earning a raised eyebrow "Tried to kick open the door and fell, he caught me but lost his balance so we both fell down" she says and adds "Of course my instinct to kick the door open helped half, but enough to realize what to do". Bruce nods and says "He was red up to his ears", at the party/feast M'gann is invisible along with J'onn, trying to find the other two team members "So... you enjoying yourself high up in the throne?" Wally asks his best friend "It's not as exciting as you think" Amber says crossing her arms "Now where are my 'brothers' of to" she says scanning the room, only to see them talking to each other "Found them, in the far left corner" she says and M'gann looks at her uncle and the two nod "At least we know where the portal is now" Amber says and she smiles "And I got to find something interesting", after taking care of Kaldur and Connor everyone meets up "How do we leave?" Amber asks hugging her boyfriends arm "We located the portal out of here, however, by leaving this world will lose it's balance" Bruce says and J'onn says "It won't, if they leave, they will leave behind all their memories of here, something like a clone will take their place and the portal will close" "We can't leave, well they can't" M'gann says and Diana says "Obviously we need a distraction, Wally any dumb ideas?", so Wally creates a tornado outside and they manage to sneak off "Okay where is it?" Amber asks and Bruce says "It's too small at the moment to detect, but it's here", at that moment everyone is zapped back to their own world.

"Oh my head" Amber says getting up "What happened?" she asks helping Nightwing and Kid Flash up "And I thought you two retired" she says looking at Artemis and then the red head "You were missing, course we'd help" Artemis says and the three leaguers look at each other, what happened there would stay between the three of them, forever "For now, let's go home" Batman says earning several nods from the team.

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