If You Look more than Once, You Shouldn't be Here.

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  • Dedicated to c

It was at least 5 months since I left my pack. Twice, I have been close of getting caught by them, they didn't give up.

I missed they, I really did, but I have a mission. One to really discover who I was and who Elizabeth was. I mean, I knew who I was but what she meant to me, I don't know. She was a major person. One that if I uncover who she is, than maybe I could figure out what to actually do with my life.

Instead of just being like all the others, who just do whatever the new demi is telling them to do. First it was that if you have magic, you must learn to control and handle it. If you were a vampire you must know how to defend and not kill. Werewolves were left alone but you had to have a pack, or you were killed on sight. This Era was shit. Complete and utter shit. Humans were barely living, there was only 286 left. Before the demies there was at a good healthy 500 thousand.

Our world was getting worst, the company was losing to the demies. The numbers were uneven. 

Zayn Lucas, was the demi in power. He was doing nothing, he let the people be, but he wasn't strict, allowing monsters to kill and humans were dying at a fast rate. He didn't care. I knew the leader was depressed, but why the fuck should he let the world to go to shit, he should step down.

But it is better than another race killing off another race like the last leader, werewolves were in balance. There was only five major packs who were fulled to the t. At they had over 100 people. It was horrible, no room to move around, no freedom.

It sucked.

But I wasn't there, I was in the Wind Kingdom. It was were I grew up, at least that's where I think I grew up. I was having a lot of doubt. Ever since I begun to remember that same memory of Elizabeth and the dream. The dreams got longer, but I couldn't move or speak, like before but the person was giving little bit of information. 

I don't know if I should trust that person, but that's all the information I can gather right now.

I walked through the run down door to my ugly looking motel room. It was crappy, with the paint chipping and pealing, the roof looks like it could crumble down any moment, the bed was hard and springy. It was uncomfortable, but the sheets were clean, with a ugly flower design on it. 

This motel was once beautiful but when the supernatural took over the world, every human, was force to work for them and this is what happens now. The once beautiful human places where now ugly and almost all gone or abandon.

The only reason I got this room was because of the old lady who still believes, that there will be one savior to save the human race. Allowing the lost blood lines of humans to be reborn. She was a believer in happy endings.

"White, would you like me to gather up some salad and beef for supper?" The old lady asked me from the door way. She was nice, motherly, almost. She gave me the best she could but she couldn't keep up with fixing this run down motel. It was a lot just to keep it open, she told me all about.

"I'm fine, but I could make you supper, for all you've done for me. Giving me a place to stay, even though I'm broke," I said, turning to look at her. She shook her head no, before leaving.

Once I knew she wasn't going to come, I pulled out my laptop, internet box, headset, mouse, and a soda. I cleaned off the dirty and dusty table and put everything on it. I plugged the internet box to my laptop and plugged it all in. The lights started to flash, I was now on.

I typed in my password: libbeyyoung.

It was just a name I came up, it was in no relations to me once so ever. No one would be able to guess it.

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