Chapter 7

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"Other than the bakery early in the morning, no. Why?" I asked! urging him on for an answer.

"I want to get to know you even better. You know, since we're supposedly 'best friends' now. What do you say?" He wasn't looking me in the eye, and all he was doing was staring intensely at his shoes, taking a lot of interest at them.

I cleared my throat, causing him to look up at me again. I nodded my head happily and repositioned my huge bag on my shoulder. I really hated this bag.... Oh well, nothing I can do about it. I sighed and started to walk away.

I silently hoped Harry would stop me and ask me to stay longer, but that was waaaay to cliché. Plus it was really late, and my mum was probably waiting for my return. I nodded my head at him and opened the bakery door, inviting the chilled air into my lungs. Today had been a very..... 'Eventful' day I guess. I have a feeling it won't be the last one either.


I opened my front door slowly, trying to make the least amount of sound as possible. It was very late, and I stayed out pass my curfew. I was probably destined to be grounded in the near future for that. And by 'near future' , I mean tomorrow morning. As I inched my way up the creaky steps to the last bedroom on the left, I light flicked on.

"Where do you think you've been young lady!?"

I took a deep breathe, bracing myself for the worst. I turned around to find my angry mother in her silk robe I bought her for her birthday. Her hair was up in curlers and she had not a trace of make up on her aged skin.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to talk.

"I made a new friend at the bakery today, and after work we went to get ice cream together. It's not that big of a deal mum." I spoke with patience, as I waited for her response.

"Really.... Well who is this friend of yours? I must meet her as soon as possible. I need to make sure she is not a bad influence on you." She crossed her arms as she spoke with confidence.

I avoided eye contact, know I had to tell her who 'she' was...... Here goes nothing.

"Well for starters, my friend is a 'he', and he has a name... Harry." I spoke quickly, still not looking her in the eye. I'm not sure why I can't, but I just can't right now.

"What!?! I will not allow my little girl wandering around with some boy! You barely know him Valerie!"

"I know I barely know him! But you know what? He actually noticed confronted me. He tried to get to know me. And as far as you're concerned, you don't know him like I do! And I may not know very much, but I am willing to learn more!" I fired back.

"That is the exact same crap you told me when you ranted about Caleb! ' Oh mum! Caleb's different! He's so sweet and caring. Oh mum!'

"Stop!!!" I screamed.

She had just reopened the long term healing scar and shame I carry with Caleb. She knows that I never wish to speak about Caleb. Ever! Yet she brings him up in our conversation just to get on my nerves.

I hadn't noticed I was crying until I saw a single tear fall from my face.

"I...I'm sorry Val... I didn't" Mum began.

" Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that! Not now, not ever!" I sobbed.

I turned my face so she could not longer see it.

"It just slipped Valerie! I'm sorry ok?" She pleaded.

I stayed silent, my back still facing her. I turned over my arm, so I could look at my wrist. I touched the scar that was there, my breathe hitching.

The Boy In the BakeryWhere stories live. Discover now