Chapter 17

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I didn't stay out for long. I opened my eyes to realise that I was upside down. I could taste blood in my mouth. I unbuckled myself again and fell down, using my hands to brace myself. My hands were covered in cuts. I watched as they all slowly healed themselves. I shook out my muscles. That was a fantastic start. Erik had made his way over to me. I waved him away. He couldn't be focused on me and I couldn't be focused on him. We would have to be split up for this, otherwise we would be too focused on keeping the other safe. Shaw would obliterate us in an instant. I got to my feet and took stock. Nothing was broken and all of the cuts were healing themselves. I'd live.

The end of the plane had been ripped off. That was disconcerting. I leaned against the side of the plane. We needed a plan of attack before we did anything else. Shaw's men would have one. It would probably be just to protect Shaw at all costs.

"I read the teleporter's mind. Shaw is drawing all the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb." Charles said.

Would that make him sacrifice himself? Would Shaw die? A part of me was hoping so. But we had to stop him before I got a chance to find out. That was exactly what I intended to do.

"We've got no time. The Geiger count is going out of control." Moira said.

That was true. This entire beach was going to be flooded with radiation if we weren't careful. Moira would burn up and the rest of us... who knew? I had never really been exposed to deadly amounts of radiation. Just slightly uncomfortable. Or maybe those would have been deadly to a normal human. I needed to stop getting sidetracked. I had no time for that now.

"Moira, this is what we're gonna do. Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately."

See, Charles was thinking rationally.

"I'm going in."Erik said.

"Sky, Beast, Havok, back him up. Erik, I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me, then we just hope to God it's not too late for me to stop him."

I nodded. "Got it."

"Good luck!"

The four of us ran out of the plane. There were three of them. Including Angel. She could have done so much if she had just stayed with us. I shook my head in disappointment and unfurled my wings. Havok used his powers before Janos could use his powers again. Man, that guy really was useless, wasn't he? I took to the air. It looked like it was going to be Angel and I. Havok and Beast had Azazel. Wonderful. Angel charged at me, using her acidic spit. I easily dodged it. She had bug-like wings. They looked fast, but they were nothing compared to my own, and I was adapted to survive in higher altitudes. Not to mention G-force. She rushed at me. I let myself fall.

I built up momentum. I kept my wings close to my body and waited until the last second to pull up. Angel wasn't so lucky. She collided with the ground. I didn't expect for it knock her out and it didn't. It was fun to see her getting so flustered. She was only five years younger than me, but I was already decades ahead of her when it came to using my wings. She came back into the air. The more frustrated she got, the easier it would get for me to fight her. It was a play on her weakness. I looked back briefly to Havok and Beast. They were both gone. So was the teleporter. No time to worry about them. I dodged another ball of acid spit. I lost sight of Erik as he entered to submarine. I heard Havok shout. He was on a cargo ship. I wouldn't really be able to help him. But I knew someone who could and he was just under the surface.

I flew down and grabbed Banshee by the arm. I gestured to Havok. He nodded. I let him go at an angle and he screamed, the waves hitting the ship. He grabbed Havok. I was satisfied with my work. I turned back to Angel. She... she wasn't there? What the- oh. Oh shit. She had decided to go after Havok and Banshee. She had managed to burn a hole in one of Banshee's wings. I flew under him. He dropped Alex for me to catch. I grabbed his arm and took him to the beach, gently dropping him down. Angel was still in the air. I knew of one thing for certain that would keep her from attacking us in the air.

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