Chapter 7

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Hey all, I'm back with another update and say you guys are great. and to my other readers who don't comment thank you for reading 114 reads is showing me that more people are reading this and I am growing more confident in writing this story and I hope that I don't ever disappoint you in later chapters for this story and other stories that I have in my head that are just waiting to come out at later times. So please enjoy and let me know what you think. Now for the answer to the trivia of the last chapter.

Trivia A: The author of the novel " Rose-colored Path" is Shunsui Kyoraku, The sad part is unlike Jushiro's novel Shunsui's isn't the most popular in fact he does not receive a single fan letter or gifts from his readers but it really doesn't bother him to much.

On a personal note I would love to get my hands on that novel teehee I'm such a sucker for Ok enough of that lets get back to the story.


Three days in to their investigation Kisuke Urahara sat in his lad with a very satisfied grin plastered to his face. Quickly he stood up and gathered his test results and made for the main house to share his findings with the rest of the Shinigami's. Oh' yes he had found the source of the blue Kido like liquid but it hadn't been what he had expected, nope not at all. stepping into the shop he was stopped by Ururu, " Hey Boss, good morning were about to have breakfast." she said in a cheerful tone. Smiling he patted gently on top of her head, "Good, I need everyone to be present. So please let them know." he stated with a smile. " OK sir." she pipped in as she turned on her heals and walked from the room to help Tessi finish preparing the morning meal. Chuckling Urahara shook his head and continued to the meeting room and waited for the rest to join him.

After the meal was finished tea was placed on the table and passed around to everyone, sipping on his glass Urahara thought about how he was going to proceed but was pulled from his contemplating  when Jushiro spoke. " What was it you wanted to speak to us about Kisuke?" Jushiro asked setting his glass down and looking at the blonde. " Yes, enlighten us." the raven haired Captain Byakuya Kuchiki stated in an emotionless tone looking bored. Shunsui nodded in agreement, " Yes, we can't delay our return to the Soul Society much longer, as much as we would like to stay and enjoy the scenery, we have been here to long as it is and we do have divisions to take care of. And I'm just cringing at the thought of all the paper work." Shunsui said with a shudder then sighed when he thought of the lecture he would get from his Lieutenant then smiled.

Jushiro shook his head at the change of expression in his friend that went from serious to what he would consider dreamy. Turning he watched as Urahara pulled out a white paper fan from his sleeve and chuckled, " Rest assured I didn't call you here to joke around," he stated as he pulled out a test tube and laid it before them, looking around at the other three he proceeded. " I ran more tests on the results brought back by Captain Kurotsuchi and I believe I have found the source, but we are going to have to use caution in approaching this situation." he said from behind his fan as he looked around the low table at the other Captains around him. Jushiro who was closest to him nodded and then gave him a serious look, " Please continue." he stated Urahara thought a second in silence and let out a breath before continuing, " Our source is neither Hollow or of the Soul Society as I originally thought given the amount of soul energy found in the contents of those vials. But we are in fact looking for a human." he stated watching the shocked reaction that was exchanged between both Jushiro and Shunsui. " I have a good Idea on who it may be but I would like to not draw any attention to what it is we are doing and why so we will have to think of a way to get said human here so I can observe them." he stated as he started to fan himself.

Byakuya having been briefed on the situation was not on bit excited about the fact that they had been sent here to find a human. " So how exactly do we proceed?" he asked not letting his distaste for the situation threw in his statement. " With grace." Urahara stated with a grin at the bewildered look on his companions.


Next morning.....

Waking up before her alarm was a rare occasion , in fact it never happens. Pushing the covers back and sitting up Naomi stretched her arms over her head and stood up. Walking into the bathroom she flipped on the light and looked into the mirror with wide eyed shock, " Oh... My...God!" she exclaimed out loud as she cautiously touched her face. She looked so much more healthier her eyes weren't sunk in and the dark circles were almost completely gone. Turning sideways she noticed it also looked as if she may have gained a little weight too and all in four days. Shaking her head with a laugh she quickly took to the shower and made herself breakfast and was ready to start working when her phone rang. Sliding from her computer she answered and smiled, " Hi, Ururu how are you today?" she asked as she started typing on her computer. " I'm good, how are you feeling?, you looked really worn out when we left the other day and I just wanted to see how you were doing." Ururu asked on the other line.

Smiling Naomi chuckled, " I feel great, and I almost have some of my work done too so I'll have the rest of the day to do whatever." he stated as she finished up the small amount of work left and sent it out in an email then shut down her computer and walked into her small living room and sat down on the old gray couch in front of the T.V.

Ururu on the other end of the line gave Urahara a pointed look and glared in response to his thumbs up he had just given her then turned her back to him and spoke into the receiver, "That's cool, but I called to ask if you knew anything about Chemistry and Algebra. I'm having trouble with some my assignments and I was wondering if you knew anything about the subjects." she stated mentally kicking Urahara's butt for making her lie to her new friend.

Naomi thought about the request a second and smiled, " I sure do, would you like for me to help. I'm not much good over the phone but I'll do what I can." she stated leaning back and casually glancing at the now on T.V. " Well I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner at my home and then you could help me, It's the least I can do since you had me over for tea." Ururu said with a hint of worry in her voice like she was holding her breath. Naomi was caught by surprise, she had never had anyone care enough to ask her over for dinner in her 22 years and she wasn't sure how she was to respond. Sighing she smile, " Why not, I don't have anything else to do so I guess that would be OK." she said as she herd Ururu let out a sigh. " OK, uhm...How about 3 o'clock does that sound OK to you?" she asked on the other end of the line.  " Sure, sounds good to me I just have to make a few more call's then I'll be over, OK?" Naomi asked flipping off the T.V. and glancing as the small clock on the wall that read 11:45am. " OK, then I'll see you then, Oh and I just live a few blocks from you at the Urahara Soten, It's a candy store but we live behind the shop so just knock on the shop door and someone will open it for you k." Ururu stated " Ok, I'll see you then. bye." Naomi said as she hung up with a smile on her face.


OK, so I may have left you all hanging in this chapter but all good things come to those who I know corny huh, well I am working ion the next few chapters for when my enet comes back on and I will post them for you so just think about what could be most interesting in the next few chapters that a cliff hanger was placed.teehee.

Triviaaaa Timeee: Kon Is the cheap knock-off of the main character of who's favorite show?

OK, now that's going to be a hard one it's two questions in one. It's the who and I always hated those in school but what can I say I have to keep it

Thank you for reading, please don't forget to VOTE and


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