Chapter 12

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Hello, I am back with another I'm am so sorry this took so long I have had a lot going on but that is no excuse so I apologize....but enough of my groveling here is the answer to the last trivia question...

Trivia A : The Zanpakuto named Kyoka Suigetsu or Mirror Flower, Water Moon belongs to Sousuke Aizen...bum bum  welp till the next trivial love u all...Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Here is chapter 12 for you enjoy......


Months later...

With much insistence Naomi was able to return to her apartment, much to Urahara's dismay. But with the need to be alone to sort out her troubled thoughts and the much needed space to be alone with her thoughts she had returned home. After her first night back she had still felt the unsettling feeling like she was being watched and it unnerved her. But even with the feelings of unrest she still went on with her day to day life and acted as if nothing had happened, and trying her best to forget the events of four weeks ago with no avail.

Right now she sat silently in the hospital with yet another child and it pained her to see the broken life these children had to live everyday, so much so her decision to leave had changed. She decided to stay and live her life as best she could till her work was done or she died in the process, still the feeling of anxiety wasn't to far behind when she left to go to her home that night.

Walking alone to her was a normal occurrence, but with the summer slowly turning into fall most of the high school volunteers had started preparing to return to school and were no longer working at the hospital. She was quickly missing the short evening walks home with Ururu and the small talks they would find them self's having. Now with her going back to school Naomi was walking home alone.

The evening was quiet and still, much to still for it to be fall their was always a small breeze of or the sound of one threw the trees, but not tonight. Tonight it was utterly still and the silence was so loud she could hear nothing but the loud clicking of her shoes on the sidewalk. Turning the corner that led to her apartment the erie feeling of being watched returned. Taking a deep breath she stopped and turned, " If you want something, I suggest you make yourself known, I'm not to fond of this cat and mouse game that your playing." she stated crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for who ever it was fallowing her.

" My deepest apologies. I was unsure if you could feel my presents or not." Byakuya Kuchiki stated in his monotone voice as he stepped out of the alleyway behind Naomi.

Slightly surprised to see him and nervous she took a step back, " May I ask what do I owe the pleasure of you visit?" she asked him as well as watching him to make any move she would deem threatening to her in any way. She watched as he put a hand into his robes and withdrew a envelope and tossed it her way, " I was instructed to bring this to you with much haste. You are to give your answer to Urahara with in the next few days." he stated then turned to leave.

Confused Naomi picked up the envelope and turned it over to see her name on it along with a sealed stamp upon the back with the image of a bell flower with in the seal. More confused she glanced up to see him gone, taking that as her que she turned and made a quick track back to her home and locked the door. After a few moments she remembered the envelope in her hand and opened it. As she read it she became more confused but continued to read. Upon finishing she grabbed her cell phone Urahara had given her and hit the key for the speed dial and waited for him to answer.

" Hello, Miss Naomi I see you have gotten your invitation." he said when he answered only making her more confused. " Yeah, and I would like to know what its supposed to be for since I don't know who this person is that is inviting me to this Soul Society." she said aggravated which only got worse when she herd his chuckle. " Now now, I wouldn't say that they just want to make sure that you weren't affected by the attack in a negative way that is all." he stated. " What, that was almost two months ago, why wait till now and why must I be escorted for? Can't they just give me diractions to this place." she asked in not a so happy tone.

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