Chapter 4

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Hello again....sorry for the long wait.teehee work weekend over so here comes a new chapter as promised. New before I start I would like to let everyone know that I will be updating every other day, mostly so I don't burn myself out in trying to push this fast. This is going to be a long story and I really want to make it a good one. So if I don't update as often its because I am still working on the rough draft for this story by chapter as I have 12 chapters already I am going to be updating them as I go along. NOW>>> enough about that lets get on wit the trivia for the last chapter.

A: The answer to the last chapters ending question is....Rukia Ruchiki and Toshiro Hitsugaya.

And their you have it now remember to vote and comment let me know what you think..


Karakuta Hospital...

" Miss. Naomi?" a child whispered from the bed.

" Yes little one, what it is?" Naomi asked standing from the chair she had been sitting in while reading the bed time story to the little brown haired blue eyed boy, who lay in the bed with IV's coming from both hands that provided antibiotics and nourishment to his weakened body. " Will you rock me and tell me another story about the boy who ran the marathon?" he asked. " Sure." Naomi whispered as she walked over and helped the boy from his bed and sat him in her lap. After settling back down in the rocker Naomi rocked him and told him the short story her mother ( Gods rest her soul) had told her on nights much like this one were she herself didn't want to go to sleep afraid she would miss something important.

 As she spoke it wasn't long before she felt the tingling pull as her body slowly took in some of the illness that slipped slowly from his small body to hers. He had never been able to walk due to having a crippling disease that has kept him from enjoying his life as a child. But she herself knew that is thing as they were now he would soon be not just walking but running and jumping with the rest of them.

Glancing down Naomi saw he had fallen asleep and gently placed him on the bed and covered him up with the thin stark white blanket and walked from the room to the nurse's station. Glancing at the clock on the wall seeing it was now 11:30, Naomi signed herself out and made her way to the exit of the Wing when she was stopped. " Hey, Miss. Naomi, Wait." she herd.

Turning around Naomi saw a black haired girl about 17 running up to her. " Good day, Miss. Ururu, how was your evening?" she asked. Catching her breath Ururu smiled, " It was great, would you mind if I walked with you?" Ururu asked. Naomi shook her head and smiled " Not at all, your brother couldn't pick you up I take it." she stated with slight hummer remembering a few occasions were she would see the two arguing over something or another as they walked home on Sunday's.

Ururu shook her head, " No, he had to work at the shop this morning so I figured if you didn't mind I'd walk with you since we seem to go the same way , Oh and you can just call me Ururu everybody else does." Ururu said with a shy smile. " Of course and you can just call me Naomi." Naomi replied with a hint of humor causing Ururu to laugh as they stepped onto the waiting elevator.

After exiting the elevator they quickly walked out of the hospital and towards their home's together. After walking in silence for what seemed like to long Ururu piped in, " Nice morning isn't it, it's not to hot or to chilly its just right don't you think?" she asked Naomi with a bright smile that Naomi noticed lit up the young girls face. Smiling back Naomi nodded," Yes, It's very nice, it's sad it's going to get cold in a few months and I won't be able to volunteer as much. But hopefully it won't be to bad this year." Naomi said in a small voice as she slowed to a stop, feeling the tug and tingle of her soul as her body readied its self for the after shock from the earlier healing she had done.

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