2- Crush 😘

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Jhope: Soul ah.

Me: Ah oppa. Did coach tell you about this evening?

Jhope: Ne he did.

Jhope oppa or Jung Hoseok was our student president and he was the best ice hockey for male player.

Jhope: Let's lead together this evening! Haa I can't believe that this will be my last year in this university. Jin-ssi!

My heart flustered when I heard that name. He was my crush since the first day I came into this university.

Kim Seokjin

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Kim Seokjin. The best photographer and the designer for our magazine.

Jhope: Do you have a club meeting this evening?

Jin: Ne. The new students will sign in into our club.

Jhope: Ah jinjja ...

Jin: Wae?

Jhope: I thought I want to ask you to snap our pictures during the meeting. I forgot that every clubs have meeting this evening. Gwaenchanha.

I didn't look up to see his face because I was too scared.

Jhope: Meet you this evening. Annyeong.

Me: Ne.

Jimin: They are suffering there.

Jimin snatched the tray from my hand.

Me: Heh?

I went to the table and smiled while looking at the food.

Yoongi: Wah someone is thinking about her crush ...

Taehyung: Mwo? Ah ...

Yoongi: Jin hyung!

Me: Yah. Yah ... What are you doing?

Jin oppa was sitting two tables from us.

Jin: Wae Yoongi-ssi?

Yoongi: Urm ...

Me: Don't you dare to tell him or I'll kill you. With my own hockey stick!

Jhope: Ouh Yoongi-ssi! I heard that your parents are coming back from France.

Taehyung: Jinjja?

Jimin: You didn't tell us about that.

Yoongi: Surprise! I'm no longer alone. Ne hyung!

Jin: What do you want to ask just now, Yoongi-ssi?

Yoongi: Annyeong hyung 👋🏻

Jin: Ne.

Jimin: That's really awkward.

I put my fork on Yoongi's steamed bun and glared at him.

Yoongi: Mwo?

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