17- Love or Friend?

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Jieun eonni came and stood beside Jhope oppa. I slowly stood up and leant against the wall.

Taehyung: Jinjja.

Yoongi: I swear we didn't win it.

Jimin: But yeah ... We are qualified to final.

He uttered that with an annoying face.

Me: Yash!

I hugged him from his back and did a head-lock. Yeah I love head-lock.

Jimin: Haha!

Everyone chuckled and cheered Jhope oppa.


Jimin: Yah. See you tomorrow. I need rest.

Jungkook: Annyeong.

Everyone went home and left Jieun eonni, Jin oppa and me. Namjoon oppa came after a few minutes and chatted with Jhope oppa.

Jieun: Jin-ssi ... Kaja ...

Jin: Mwo?

Jieun: Let's go home.

Jin: Ne ... Hobi ... I need to go home right now.

Jhope: Ne. Visit me again tomorrow.

Jin: Sure. Hyung.

Namjoon: Ne.

I looked out through the windows without looking at Jin oppa.

Namjoon: They've gone, Soul.

Me: Daebak.

I sat on Jhope oppa's bed and pouted my mouth.

Jhope: Believe me, they are not dating.

Me: Who cares?

Jhope: Jieuni ... Is an orphanage. She got no parents since she was born. Jin-ssi poured his love to Jieuni sinced kindergarten. But ... They're not meant to be in love.

Namjoon: Ouh ... They broke up?

Jhope: Ne. Two years ago. Jieun almost commited suicide this year and that is why Jin-ssi treated her well.

Namjoon: Why did she commit suicide?

Jhope: Jin-ssi asked me to keep that as a secret. Mianhae.

Namjoon: Gwaenchanha.

A nurse came in and put a tray beside Jhope oppa.

Nurse: Mianhae. The visiting time has ended. Come again tomorrow.

Me: Ne. Take care oppa.


I sprayed the rose and glanced at the sky. There was a lot of stars and I could see orion. I took out my phone and stared at the lockscreen.

Me: Jieun eonni ... Needs you. I need my parents. That's all I want.

I decided to change my lockscreen with the three monkeys.

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