21- It Was My Fault

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I woke up after I had a terrified dream. I was lying on a bed in a hospital. It was very dimmed and I could only see the light that came from the windows. I sat down and observed the surrounding while brushing my eyes.


I saw imo was sleeping on the couch and at the same time, my phone buzzed. I took it and answered the call in a slow voice.

Me: Yobeoseyo?

Yoongi: Soul ah ...

Me: Omo. Yoongi-ssi ... Where are you?

Yoongi: Soul ah ... I can't face this anymore ... The summer is coming. I'm afraid of summer.

His shaking voice made me burst into tears too.

Me: Yah ... Come back ...

Yoongi: I can't ... They trap me here. I can't go anywhere.

Me: Where are you? I'll go there right now.

Yoongi: It'll be too late then. Annyeong. Saranghaeyo.

He ended the call immediately.

"Aigoo ... I feel something bad will happen."

I slowly pulled the tube on my hand and it was very pain.

"Auch! Ani. Imo can't wake up now."

I climbed down the bed and when I was about to open the door, Namjoon oppa appeared with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Me: Ouh.

"Oppa ... Jebal ..."

He asked me to hold the coffee and he took off his hoodie.

Namjoon: Good luck. Ouh ... Jin-ssi is still downstairs.

Me: Gomawo.

I put on the hoodie and ran to the elevator. I reached the ground floor and I saw Jin oppa was walking to the car park.

Me: Kim Seokjin!

He turned around but I fell down in front of crowds. They helped me to get up and I bowed to them.

Me: Kamsahamnida.

I looked back at the place he was standing just now but ... Ceh ... He had gone. I went to the car park to search for his car. I saw a car was taking a corner and it was Jin oppa's.

Me: Oppa!

I ran to get the car but the pain on my hand controlled me away. I squatted down while holding my hand.

Me: Argh ... Omo ...

Jin: Kang Soul!

He helped me to get up and he brought me to his car.


He opened the dashboard and I saw a lot of medical things in it.

Me: Why is there a lot of bandage in it?

He gazed at me while applying some medicine on my cut.

Me: Ah ...

Jin: Mianhae. Why are you here?

Me: Oppa ... Yoongi-ssi is in a trouble. He called me t-

Jin: Wait wait. They said ...

Me: Mwo?

Jin: They said he has gone away with his parents. Rohee too.

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