3- Club

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Me: Who said I'll take the scholarship?

I fake my laugh while hitting Yoongi's shoulder.

Taehyung: I think Prof. Jungwoo really likes you.

 Jungwoo really likes you

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Me: Mworago?


Everyone was queuing up to sign up the clubs for the new semester.

Me: Ice Hockey club! We have Jhope oppa here! He'll bring us a new hope!

A namja came to sign in into our club but he came towards me.

Me: Mianhae. You're supposed to go to Jhope oppa.

Jhope: What is your name?

Jungkook: Jeon Jungkook. Noona please drop your signature here.

Me: Mwo? Urm ...

Jungkook: I adore you a lot. That's why I come here. I hope I can always meet you.

Me: Urm. Ne hehe ... Oppa ...

Jhope: Urm Jungkook-ssi here.

I gave him his notebook and he still stared at me.

I gave him his notebook and he still stared at me

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Me: You're ... Scary urm ...

Jungkook: Mianhae.

I pushed his hand to go to Jhope oppa. He suddenly screamed.

Jhope: Wae wae?

Me: Omo did I hurt you?

Everyone there stopped and eyed on us.

Jungkook: Soul noona touched me!!!

Me: Aigoo ...

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