chapters 4 and 5

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Chapter 4

Prince Finnarn sprinted through the halls of the compound. He could hear the ragged breath of the servants trying to keep up with him as he shouldered his way through a doorway, not slowing to apologize to the baffled guard that it hit as it swung open. His heart pounded hard in his chest. More for the news he'd received than the strain of the run.

As he rounded the last corner he was confronted by a large gathering of knights and solders. The group was ragged and filthy tired from the days of running back to the capital. Luckily they were alert enough to scramble out of the way as the prince ran through the center of the group. The heavy door to his father's chambers was pulled open just in time as he shot through, not to distracted to notice the blood stains on the wood.

King Alanar laid in his large canopy bed with his eyes closed surrounded by healers and councilmen. Sir Gunthar sat in a wooden chair next to the bed. The old knight looked to be passed out from exhaustion. Standing at the foot of his bed stood Finn's brother, Prince Rhodger. The crown prince wore his 'war' armor. Red leather trimmed in gold the armor was more decoration than functional. On his left hip he wore his fine short sword and on his right his elaborately decorated pistol. The long fang from the wolven he'd killed last fall hung from the grip. Rhodger told a tale of bravery and skill in killing the wolf that attacked his convoy. The guards that were with him told of a spoiled prince tripping with his finger on the trigger, lucky the pistol was pointed at the wolven and not his own head.

Finn passed his brother, noteing the almost eager look on his face, and knelt at his father's bedside. "Father," he said softly as his eyes tracked over the binding around his stomach. The king's skin was nearly as white as his sheets.

"Finn?" King Alanar's eyes fluttered open as he turned to face his son.

"I'm here father," Finn said as he looked questioningly at the lead healer. The old woman shook her head.

The king shifted his eyes to the healer. "Out," his voice cracked as he spoke. The healer frowned and stood still. "Out!" he mustered a quiet shout. "Everyone."

The collective group muttered quietly and moved to the door. Sir Gunthar proved to be more conscious then he appeared as he was still the first to the door. After only moments only the king, Finn, and Rhodger remained. Their father looked to his oldest. "You too Rhodger." Finn's brother frowned deeply and moved to the door.

When they were alone Finn moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to his father. The king's tired pale face making Finn's heart sink.

"I'm dying," the king said softly.

"No," Finn said quickly, more a command than a statement.

"Yes," the king said plainly as he moved his hand to the bandage around his stomach. "I never saw the archer," he said with a half smile. "Killed by an arrow," he let out a coughing laugh. "I can spot a rifleman from anywhere on a battlefield, never thought to look for a bow."

"It'll heal," Finn said taking his father's hand. "You've survived worse."

The king shook his head. "A gut shot rarely heals. Especially after two days of marching before seeing a healer."

Finn shook his head harder. "It'll heal, it has to."

"Why?" The king asked in his teaching lessons tone.

"Because you're a warrior."

"Warriors die everyday."

"You are a great warrior, a king, and you were fighting to protect your people."

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