chapters 9 and 10

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Chapter 9

The collective gasp of the room was only slightly less satisfying than the poison look the king shot my direction.

"Uncle Ingo," Rhodger narrowed his eyes and the crowd grew still. A silent murmer filled the room as the nobles who didn't know I'd come back put the pieces together. "I'd forgoten you were here."

I ignored his poor attempt at slighting me and stepped forward from the crowd. The guards near the steps shifted and Sir Gunthar stepped forward, laying his hand on his hilt as he put himselft more between me and the councilmen.

"I have buisness to the east," I said calmly. "I will escort Crown Prince Finnarn to Romilda to investegate these claims." I was quite satisfied to see the king narrow his eyes at me calling Finn the Crown Prince. He seemed to be taking great measures to make sure everyone forgot he had no heir of his own.

"And what exactly makes you think I'd allow that?" he asked.

"That you have no choice in the matter," I said keeping my voice as calm as possible.

"Pardon?" the king snapped as he raised to his feet. "I am king!  I have choice in every matter! And I forbid you from going."

"In the morning I ride for Herralt," I said taking another step forward. "If the crown prince wishes to travel with me he is welcome to join." I turned around and the crowd parted as I stepped towards the door.

"How dare you turn your back on me!" the king shouted as he stepped down the steps, wine glass still in hand. 

I turned around slowly. The king stood halfway down the eight steps. The fire burning in his brown eyes all too familiar. I chose my next words carefuly.

"With respect," I said stepping closer to the king. Guards around the room shuffled. "I'm afraid you simply don't have authority over me, your grace."

"What?" Rhodger took another step down. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sir Gunthar inching closer. Every guard in the room had a hand on their weapons. The nobles were silent and wide eyed. "What do you mean I have..."

"He's correct," Councilman Rayes interupted. The small man immedietly shrank back though his voice remained calm. "Forgive the interuption your grace, but a number of years back your father had me look into the issue of Prince Ingo's status."

"What are you talking about?" the king snapped, his eyes burning into the man.

"Even though your uncle gave up his title as crown prince when he joined the Tallons, the law requirs that he retain his status as a member of the royal family, along with some of the immunitity granted one with a claim to the throne. Add in the benifits of a high ranking member of the Tallons along with an honerary discharge and that gets interesting. Throwing on top the partial banishment from your father eighteen years ago."

"Get to the point Rayes," Rhodger snapped.

"The point, your grace, is that unless he commits a crime the most you can legally do to Prince Ingo is ask him to leave. Politely. Its really a marvel of intertwined loopholes. Your father actually laughed when he realized that he couldn't command the prince to return and accept his apology."

"What about murder?!" The king stepped down another step. "Is murder still considered a crime in my kingdom?"

"Of course your grace. But to my knowledge the prince has been convicted of no such act."

"Been convicted!? We all know he's killed."

"So have I," a gruff voice called out as Sir Gunthar stepped up. His rank barelly allowed him to enter the conversation, but nobody said anything. Even for a king its hard to turn down your tutor and guardian. "You aren't talking about killing. You're talking about murder. To our knowledge Ingo's hands have never intentially taken the life of an innocent."

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