Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Of the thirty boys that stood in line with me during that first test five years earlier, seventeen stood with me now. The rest either couldn't cut it or lost their lives in the pursuit. Six of them were near enough to my fault that I blamed myself for their deaths.

We stood in a line in the great yard of the talon house. I could see my father and brother sitting on the dias in front of us. Alanar had grown so much in the past five years I had to look twice to make sure he truly was my brother. It twisted my stomach to see him sitting proper and straight in the chair next to father. He was supposed to be playing and exploring.

My eyes then drifted to their left. Sir Gunthar stood as stoic as ever. He seemed to have lost a little of his light over the years. But what truly drew my attention was the tall brown haired girl next to him.

The years had been kind to Cara and she had grown into a woman that any would envy. She stood still as a statue, her brown eyes locked on mine throughout the entire ceremony. A slight smile playing across her lips.

One by one we were called up to stand before the king and take our oaths. Valley, Brock, and the other masters stood below the royal family and delivered the oaths. They asked each boy in turn if they swore to protect the kingdom and obey the king for the rest of their days. Everyone said yes. They all received the mark of the talon and were given two swords and a pistol.

I hardly paid any attention. My eyes were for Cara and Cara alone. It seemed that we were the only two in that yard that day. Five years worth of  conversations seemed to pass in that single unblinking stare.

I nearly missed it when they called my name.

"Ingo of Jurgin, Prince of Swords," Valley called out proudly. He seemed to take extra pride in the fact that he trained me. Even if three other of his trainees died in the circle with me.

I painfully forced my eyes away from Cara and made my way up to the masters. Drenden gave me a wink that said he knew what I would rather be doing right now as he stood in the line of talons who'd received their mark. Deep red blood ran down his right forearm to cover his hand and pool at his feet. My heart leapt in my chest as the blood made me think of the banshee.

I took my vows half heartedly. It wasn't that I didn't care about them. I just had more important things on my mind then swearing myself to a life of service and battle. My gaze was continually drawn to either Cara or Alanar.

I winced as the grandmaster, a wrinkled old man who could barely stand on his own, dug the three silver claws into my forearm and slowly ran them around. He may have looked old and feeble but the man could cut deep.

Once I was bleeding nice and good Valley handed me my swords. The ones I still wear on my back.

After the ceremony I fought through a crowd of overly chatty nobles who appeared to have nothing better to do with their day than tell me how impressed they were that I gave up the throne in favor of protecting the kingdom. I did my best to ignore them. My goal was on the other side of the yard. I could see her through the crowd even as I fought it. He long brown hair blew gently in the breeze. Her eyes stayed locked on me as she giggled over a wine glass as I fought the crowd.

I was five paces away when a strong hand took my shoulder. I was about to turn around to tell the man to shove off and leave me be when I was met with the cool grey eyes of the king.

"Ingo," my father said straight backed.

"Highness," I bowed my head.

"Stop that," my father commanded as quickly embraced me in a deep hug, "That's an order."

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