Chapter 1

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I pull over as I see my new house. "Cool!" I say as I look at it. As I open the door I hear someone. "Hey! You must be our new neighbor." I look over and see a boy in a green hoodie smiling at me. I smile back "Oh hey. Yeah I'm moving in. Name is (Y/N)." "And I'm Edd. Do you need help moving in?" The boy asked. "Thanks but there's no need to-" He went inside the house next to mine and I heard him scream "GUYS! WE'RE HELPING OUR NEW NEIGHBOR MOVING IN!" Then he came back out with two other guys "This is Matt and He is Tom" he said pointing at the other two. One with a purple hoodie and a green coat that was looking at himself in a mirror and another with a blue hoodie and spiky hair.... But he had no eyes. I must have been staring at his 'eyes' for too long because he looked back and said "Yes..." He looked annoyed. I blushed in embarrassment "S-Sorry. I just think your eyes are pretty cool." He looked at me in surprise "Cool?" "Yeah. I've never seen someone with eyes like that. It's really awesome" He seemed intrigued. "Ok..." he said like he was trying to figure me out. Did I say something wrong?


Awesome...No one ever thought my eyes were awesome. This girl is different. My thoughts were interrupted by Edd. He had already picked up a box. "Were do you want me to put it?" "Oh you can just leave it in the living room, thanks." The girl said back. I kept looking at her... There was something about her that... I don't know I think it made me want to know her better.

------------(TIME SKIP)------------

After we help her move in I say "So I never caught your name". "Oh it's (Y/N)." "Nice name" Matt said. "Thanks. And you're Tom right?" she said looking back at me. "Yeah. Don't forget it." I mentally cringe at what I just said. To my surprise she smirked and said "I won't. Don't worry." Ok I really need to figure this girl out.


Tom is an interesting guy. No eyes, kind of rude but not in a bad way, I really hope I get to know him better. I see the guys looking around at the place. I'm happy I got such nice and helpful neighbors. I say "Thanks a lot for the help guys. Do you guys want to have dinner here and watch a movie so we can get to know each other better?" The guys seemed to like the idea. "We'd love to" Matt said. "Do you happen to have coke?" Edd asked. "Sorry only got Smirnoff" Tom looked at me as if surprised with what I just said. As Edd left to his house to get is coke Tom finally spoke "You drink Smirnoff?" "Uhmm... Yeah. Why?" "Nothing..." He just looked away. This boy is a mystery, and I'm going to solve it.

A/N: Hey guys. So this is my first x reader and i hope you like it (if anyonre actually reads it). Anyways... I'm sorry this is short. I'll try to make the second chapter today. I'm going to try to update regulary but i dont know when i'll be able to update. And if anyone reads this... Have a nice day^^. Bye

The new neighbor  (Tom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now