Chapter 19

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"GUYS!" They jump a bit and I giggle.

"What?" I smile. "Well Edd, since you asked... I want to do something with you guys. But I need permission."

Tord smirks "Kinky." With that Tom slaps the back of his head and they glare at each other.

I sigh. "I wanted to throw a Halloween party. We could all wear costumes and have fun." They nod in agreement and I fist pump the air.

"You could invite those friends of yours. Erm... Peter and Page?" I look at Matt and then at Tord.

"Paul and Patryk..." Tord gives me a small nod. "Okay. I'll tell them to come."

I get out of the living room and Tord follows me. "Their my best... Workers. I trust them."

"Really workers?..." He leads me to his room and closes the door.

"What do you actually know? We never really talked about it." He looks nervous.

I sigh. "Well apart of that whole robot thing that everyone knows... I know that you are the red leader, and your trying to rule the world with the red army and that Paul and Patryk work for you."

He face palms. "Did they tell you that? It's hard to believe..."

"Nah. They only told me you were their boss. I just found out their uniforms and they ended up having to tell me the rest." I pause for a bit.

"You can't rule the world." He looks at me in confusion. "What?"

"You can't rule the world. I've been saying I would since I'm little. I called dibs. It's mine." He tilts his head.

"Wtf..." I sigh. "Look you can play robot all you want that it won't take you anywhere. So while you keep playing with those useless toys the world is mine."

"Hey! That robot took me a lot of work. And I'm actually going to be able to rule the world unlike you." I glare at him.

"You really wanna go against me?" He steps back a bit "How about both? We can both rule the world." He gulps.

I smile brightly. "Okay! Now let's take care of the party!"

"(Y/n), we're literally 7 people. I don't think it's really a party." I shrug and we get back to the living room.

"What were you guys doing?" I smile at Edd. "Planning to rule the world together."

Tom frowns and glares at Tord. I text Paul and Patryk and they agree to come.

"Let's go get costumes." They all nod and as we leave Edwardo, Mark and Jon show up.

"What are you losers doing?" Edd glares at him "Edwaaarrrdddooo."

Matt smiles wide, clearly excited. "We're throwing a Halloween party!"

"That sounds fun." Jon smiles and Edwardo punches him in the face. "Shut up."

"Hey! You can't do that to him! What the fuck is wrong with you!" He punches Jon again. "Look lady, I do what I want."

I punch Edwardo in the face. "Fuck off." Jon smiles and thanks me.

"Whatever. We're leaving." They turn around and head towards their house.

"Wait! Jon! You want to come?" He smiles and agrees before Edwardo drags him inside.

"Why did you invite him?" I shrug. "He's not that bad. Give him a chance."

"I'll only do it because you wanted us to." I smile at Tom and give him a small hug. "Let's go."


We are all in costume. Edd is dressed as a cola can and he got tiny green hoodies to put in the cola's he drinks. Tord is a zombie. Matt is wearing a card board mask... Of his face. Yes he is literally wearing a mask that looks like his own face. Tom is a purple monster. And I'm a demon.

As Tom and I finish putting out the snacks and drinks I grab a package of skittles.

"What are you doing with that." I smirk and walk over to Tord and Edd who are finishing the decorations.

I throw the package at them "TASTE THE FUCKING RAINBOW!"

Tom starts laughing while Tord and Ed recover from me scaring them. I whisper "My ship will sail..."

"What was that?" I look up at them. "I said that I ship you two and that it will sail."

They shake their heads and finish doing the decorations.

"Jon is here!" I hear Matt scream and walk over to the door.

He is dressed as a ghost. "Thank you for inviting me. People usually don't invite me to stuff."

I give him a small hug and bring him inside.

Jon looks at the guys. "Hey... I wanted to say sorry for everything we've done to you these past few years. I think you're all really cool but Edwardo forces me to be against you. Please don't tell him I said that."

They all smile at him. "It's ok. That's the past. We're here to have fun."

The doorbell rings. Matt let's Paul and Patryk come in. Their dressed as Mario and Luigi.

"Hey!" I stay quiet for a bit looking at them. "Paultryk!"

They look at me in confusion. "I finally got a ship name for you two. Paultryk."

Paul smiles and Pat gives him a small kiss.

"Hey guys." Tord hugs them. "Hey Tord." I love it how close they can be even if their leader and soldiers. It's great to see their friends anyways.

"Lemme introduce you to the rest of the guys. That's Edd, Matt, Tom aaand Jon." The nod and greet them.

For the next hour we dance and eat but then I see Tom leaving.

I follow him and we end up in the roof.

He lays down, still not noticing me, and looks at the stars.

"What are you doing out here?" He jumps a little and it makes me giggle.

"Oh (y/n). Nothing much. Just needed a bit of fresh air." I nod and lay next to him.

We stay in silence for a bit until he breaks it. "Do you ever miss it?"

I look over to him. "Miss what?" He sits up, not taking his eyes of the night sky. "When it was just us. Living together and stuff. Or when we woke each other up with rocks when your room was across from mine. It's not like we don't spend much time together and I do love it but it's just..."

I smile and sit up as well. "Different? Yeah I know what you mean. And I miss it too. Just because we like what we have now that doesn't mean we won't miss the past. And one day we will miss this too. It doesn't make things worst but if we liked things before they changed it's normal to miss them."

"Can we stay here for a while? I know I'll miss this." I smile "As long as you want."

Putting his arm around me, we sit there with the stars illuminating us.

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