Chapter 18

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I look over to the guys who are glued to the tv. "Guys! I'm leaving. I'm going shopping and then I'm visiting a few friends. I'll probably be gone for the whole day."

No reaction. "Are you even listening?"

Once again , no reaction. I groan and leave the house.

-Time skip a few hours-


We've been doing a movie marathon for the past hours and it's finally over.

"I'm starving. I'm gonna prepare lunch. Tell (y/n) that were going to eat in a while" I nod to Edd and head to the room.

I knock "Can I come in?" She doesn't say anything.

"(Y/n)?" I open the door to see that her room is empty.

"Guys! (Y/n)'s not here."  They all look at each other.

"Wait." I look over to Tord. "Didn't she say something about going shopping?"

I grab my phone and call her but it goes straight to voicemail "Damn it."

"Let's go to the mall. Maybe she's there." We leave and as were heading to our car we see a small kid with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes wearing a (f/c) shirt.

"(Y/N)!" I rush over o her with Tord, Matt and Edd following close behind.

I pick her up and she giggles "I like your eyes Mr."

I get a mix of relief because we found her and anxiety because of what happened to her. She's a fucking kid!

Edd takes her from me "Let's uhmm... Let's get you home and make lunch. We'll then figure out how to solve this."

"Who are you all?" She looks at us with her eyes opened really wide.

"You don't remember?" (Y/n) shakes her head at Matt and he looks as if he's about to cry.

"Well she is a kid... Maybe she lost the memories of growing up. She doesn't look older that 4 or 5 years. Maybe we should just lie to her and take care of her until this is all figured out." I nod

"Lie to her?!" Edd looks shocked and I sigh. "I hate to agree with commie but he's right. Telling her everything might be to much for a kid to handle."

"What's going on? And why are you going to lie to me? And who are you?" She looks very confused.

We bring her inside and sit her on the couch. I kneel so I can be face to face with her. "Look... We can't really explain it right now. But we need you to stay with us, it's for the best. I'm Tom. And they are Tord, Matt and Edd." She nods and I smile.

"Now, what do you want to eat?" She smiles at Edd "CANDY!" We all laugh.

"Maybe we should just order a pizza." Edd grabs the phone to call.

"So, Mr. Tom. What do you like to do?" Drink. "Uhm.... Well... I like to play my bass."

Her eyes widen and she smiles "Can I play."

"Erm.... Sure." I take her to my room and let her play as she wants.

It doesn't sound good but she looks really happy doing it so I let her do her thing until lunch.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Picking (Y/n) up, I take her to the living room. And she spends the lunch asking us questions.

After lunch Edd turns to us. "Tord, take care of her. Tom, come with me. We need to understand what happened."

"What about me?" Edd looks at Matt for a bit. "You... Can go look at a mirror." He seems happy and we go to Edd's room.

"What do you think happened?" Edd's shakes his head.

"I have no idea. So she went shopping and then came back and was a kid." I groan.

"There is no logical explanation for this." We sigh and go back to were Tord and (y/n) were.

He is showing her a hentai book. "TORD!" Edd and I scream.

He blushes. "I just showed her a few pictures..."

(Y/n) runs to me and pulls my shirt. I look down at her "Mr. Tom, Mr. Tord said you were a fucking Jehovah's witness. What does that mean?"

I face palm. "You can't swear in front of a kid!" Edd picks her up "Come on. Time to sleep."

"No! I don't want to" He grins "Well you have to."

"Never!" She kicks him making him drop her and then runs away.

I can't stop myself from laughing. "Help me catch her."

For the next hour we run around the house trying to find (y/n).

I go inside my room and see her under my bed, sleeping, with Tommy-bear in her arms.

I smile and lay her in my bed. Going back to the living room I see that the guys are worried and reassure them she's ok.

At around 5 p.m. (y/n) wakes up and sits with us watching TV.

Suddenly we hear the door open.


I finally come home. "Guys! I'm back!"

I enter the living room and see them completely pale with a small kid next to them.

"... Who is that?" I point at the kid.

"(Y-y/n)?" I nod "Who else would I be?"

They look at the kid and back at me. "Guys, what happened?"

They explain what succeded and I'm speechless for a bit. "You... Stole... A kid..."

The nod shyly. "Well we need to give her back! Go check if there is any news about a missing kid."

After that I stay in the living room taking care of the little girl. "So what's you name?"

She smiles "It's Susan!" I snicker a bit thinking about Tom's bass.

"And you're (y/n) right?" I nod with a smile. "What did you do with the boys."

"Well Mr. Edd bought me pizza, Mr. Tom let me play his bass, Mr. Tord showed me pictures called hentai or something and taught me to say that Mr. Tom is a fucking Jehovah's witness. Oh and they all had to chase me and look for me because I didn't want to sleep."

After she finishes her rant the only thing I can think about is how Tord showed her hentai and told her how to swear.

We talk for a little more until the guys come in. "I fund it!" I look hopefully at Edd.

"Already called the parents. Their on the way here." I sigh with relief.

In about 10 minutes the parents arrive and thank us taking the girl with them.

"Where even were you?" I get annoyed at Tom for this question.

"I told you before I left. Shopping and then met a couple of friends. Maybe if you guys had payed attention you wouldn't kidnap a kid!" He looks down in embarrassment.

"Who are your friends?" I smirk. "Their names are Paul and Patryk."

Tord goes red "H-how long have you known them for?" I smile "Quite a while now. Before I even met you guys."

Matt looks excited "Maybe we could meet them sometime!"

I keep my eyes on Tord "I don't know. Maybe."

I leave to my room but as I walk pass Tord I say "Don't worry. I know but I'm not telling." He nods and I go away.

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