Chapter 7

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It's because he didn't want to lead you on. Sam doesn't like you. He never will.

"Gabe, please talk to me," Sam begs. Gabriel roles over in bed to face the other direction, staring blankly at a wall.

It gets late and Sam gives up, flatly laying on the top bunk with his arms crossed on his stomach. He doesn't know what time it is, just that he hasn't been to bed yet and Gabriel fell asleep hours ago.

As quietly as possible, the teen slips from his bed and into Gabes.

Gabriel wakes with a weight on his chest; he sighs down at Sam but doesn't have the heart to move. What's the point of pushing him off now, he might as well destroy another little piece of himself, because no matter what, Sam doesn't feel the same way.

When Sam awakens, he's not surprised that he's still curled against Gabe. He just wishes he had the guts to confess how he really felt, but Gabe has made it obvious that he feels different.


A glimmer of hope rises in Sam as Gabriel heads his way. Gabe has been avoiding him all day. He had just talked to his brother, Castiel. Maybe he gave him some advise, Sam doesn't know, he just hopes.

"Hey, G—"

"I just thought you should know that I'm switching cabins," Gabe cuts Sam off. Sam's face drops yet hardens at the same time. "That's not fair, Gabe, and you know it."

"I don't care what's fair!" He yells back, a small chuckle at the end, Gabriel just so done with all of this. He begins to walk away, gather his things.

"Wait a minute," Sam calls, "Wait a minute!" He tugs back on Gabriel's elbow after catching up in the woods. "What?!" He snaps back. "Gabe, just.." Sam's sighs, "Can we just talk?"

"I'm tired of talking Sam, I just want to..I don't even know," he runs a hand down his face, his voice quiet now. "Fine. Fine, I'll talk and you can listen, okay?"


"Please." Gabe sighs but nods, leaning against the tree closes to him. "'re the first person," Sam takes a deep breath, staring down at his feet, "That I've told. No one else knows. Gabe, that has to count for something." Sam gets dangerously close, their shoes toe-to-toe. "God," he continues, "I  knew you for four days and told you because I was scared of losing you. I know," he laughs quietly, "It's stupid..but I've never felt–you just drive me crazy."

"Yeah, you're right, it definitely counts for something. But what? I'm sorry, Sam, I'm still switching," it hurts Gabe to leave Sam, especially after the confession, but it hurts more to stay. "No, no Gabe. Please," Sam grabs both a Gabes hands, preventing him from going anywhere. Sam hasn't even told Dean that he's gay, the one person he tells everything. "Just tell me what I have to do," he pleads. Sam doesn't even notice that he tangles their fingers, rubbing Gabes palms. "Anything?" Gabriel whispers, knowing what he's thinking is wrong. They inch closer. "Anything." Gabe shakes his head, "You have to give me boundaries."

"There aren't any."

Gabriel's body ignites with those words, his mind racing and clouding. And he can't tell if he's crazy, or if Sam is also moving closer, but he's stopped thinking about it.

Gabriel practically melts as their lips brush, and he's just praying that he's not imagining it.

"Gabriel! Gabriel are you back here?" Castiel shouts, searching for his brother that he's supposed to help move.

The teens jump apart. Their eyes lock and Gabe blinks, his mind unfogging. "I–I," he struggles for words, but takes off for the cabin instead, Sam chasing after him.

When Sam finally catches up, Gabriel is already throwing his clothes into his suitcase.

"Gabe. Gabe, stop!" Sam tares the shirt from his friends hand; Gabe panting. "I'm sorry," Gabriel apologizes, "I didn't mean to." Sam chuckles, also out of breath, confusing his friend.

The teen pulls the shorter forward and connects their lips, hoping that's what Gabe wants too. To Sam's relief, Gabe kisses back. Their lose grip soon becomes tight, Sam's arms securely holding Gabriel's lower back to keep them pushed together.

Gabes lips tingle and he loves the feeling of it, he smiles into the kiss, running his fingers into Sam's hair.

"Gabriel?" Castiel gasps. Neither of the teens care enough to pull back, but Gabriel knows he's in deep shit now. "You're in so much trouble." Gabe takes one hand back to flip the bird to his brother, then uses the same hand to deepen the kiss.

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