Chapter 8

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"Hey Sammich?" Gabe hums, his eyes closed as the two lay in bed. "Hm?"

"I was the absolute first person that you told about being gay, right?" He questions, propping himself up on Sam's chest to look at him. "Yes," Sam chuckles, curious where Gabe could be going with this. He grins, "Does that make me your first kiss?"

"Well," Sam smiles while pushing himself to a sitting position, "It makes you the first guy I've kissed."

"Eh, I'll take it," Gabe shrugs, putting a hand behind Sam's head to pull him into a kiss. "That's never going to get old," he sighs happily. "No?" Sam cocks an eyebrow, smiling like an idiot. "Hm?" Gabriel pretends to think about it, "Nope."

"Good, causing I'm gonna keep doing it," Sam shakes his head, everything is so much better now. He leans forward, teasingly close, before gently kissing Gabe once. Sam falls back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Gabriel.

"Maybe my luck hasn't run out."


"Nothin'," Sam chuckles back, kissing the top of Gabriel's head, "Ready to go to bed?"

"Ready when you are."

"What?" Gabe laughs as he changes his pants. "Nothing," Sam grins, "Just admiring."

"Well it's my turn to admire," Gabe throws a pillow, "You need to change."

"Or what?"

"Or you'll be wearing the same clothes as yesterday, today. Or," Gabe smirks, "I'll make you."

"I'd like to see you try," he challenges. "I was hoping you would say that."

The two wrestle around, both bright red and sweaty by the time Gabriel gets Sam's shirt over his head.


"Here's your shirt," Jess extends her arm, offering the item back to its owner. "Keep it," Sam responds, not breaking away from his and Gabes stare. Gabriel no longer feels threatened by the girl, not giving a care in the world that she has one of Sam's shirts. Actually, neither care about much right now, not even caring if some one sees their intertwined hands.

But everything seems to fall apart after breakfast.

They head back to their cabin, as they normally would. Still dazed by each other, they smiles, laugh, kiss, and talk for a while. Until someone bursts through their door, not just one person, multiple people.



The camps head leader.

..and Gabes mom.

"Gabriel Novak!" His name seems to echo through the small wooden cabin. "You get away from the boy now!"

"Sam?" Deans eyes narrow, he would have never guessed that his little brother was gay.

The teens faces flicker, both of them horrified.

"You will not, under any circumstances, be allowed with another boy! Do you hear me?!"

And he can hear her, loud and clear, but the only thing on his mind is what happens next; because he knows his mom will make him leave.

"Cas, how could you?" Gabes eyes fill with tears. "Your brother did you a favor," his mom growls, "And you," she points at Dean, "This is your fault. He should have kept a better eye on that brother of yours."

"I'm sorry," Dean scoffs, "Are you saying there's something wrong with my little brother liking dudes?"

"You're disgusting if you think that's okay," she gestures to Sam and Gabe, refusing to let go of each other. "What do you have against love lady?!"

Sam's beyond relieved that Deans okay with him being gay, and happy that he's standing up for him, but it's the least of his worries.

"It's not love it's a sin!" She practically screams. She storms over to her son, taring the two apart. The couple hold on for dear life, losing their hold on each other far too soon.


"Sam!" They call at the same time, reaching out for each other. Dean quickly runs in, stopping Sam from attaching the witch that Gabriel calls a mom.

"I'm so sorry Sammy," Dean whispers as he holds back his little brother. They fall to the ground, the only way Dean can contain Sam.

"Sam!" Gabe helplessly yells, reaching out for the teen that's slowly fading from his sight.

Later, after Dean is sure that the other family is gone, he lets go of the crying boy.

Chances are, they'll never see each other again.

Sam's luck has run out after all.

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