Chapter 3

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Sam wakes early this morning, not that it isn't usual for him to wake up just before sunrise; but even earlier than that. Gabriel and him had fallen asleep before night, around six in the after noon.

Small moans and groans escape the shorter teen as he stretches, his eyes still closed and his mind just grasping consciousness. Sam waits for a sign, a movement or maybe a word to let him know that the other male is actually awake now. "Either this is a really hard bed or a really comfy roof," Gabe murmurs. He had managed to role the blanket around himself, creating layers that absorb his words and make his voice a whisper. Sam only smiles at the, what sounded to be, soft spoken sentence and stands with the assistance of his hands. He brushes his hands together in attempt to remove the small stones, sticks, leafs, and whatever else had found itself on top of the small cabin. Sam peers down and rests his hands onto his hips. "Come on," Sam nudges Gabriel a little with his foot, "Breakfast should be starting soon."

Eventually, both of the teens gather themselves and the one blanket they had taken up. Gabe takes the room to change his dirty clothes to fresh ones, as Sam takes the bathroom.

"I thought we were going to get food," Gabe kicks a stone from the dirt path in front of him, watching it skip into the grass and come to a rolling stop. "We are," Sam assures, adding a small eye role with the attitude that is relevant in Gabes voice, "I just like to take a walk before breakfast, okay? Try to enjoy," he grumbles the last part under his breath. It's a safe assumption that neither of the males are morning people per say; Sam only finds himself irritable when others around him are.

The boys stop at a yellow tape. The streamer of it seems endless, wrapping around trees that go out of eyesight. The neon color was hard to even glance at with the morning sun glaring brightly on it. The tape is evenly printed with the word 'CAUTION' in all caps, alarming Gabe as to why it would be here and why Sam would even come to it; or better yet, why he's going under it. Nevertheless, he follows with little argument.

"Would you slow down," Gabe proceeds to complain. Sam opens his mouth but decides against saying anything he'll regret in a few seconds, instead, his movements almost come to a halt just enough for Gabriel to catch up. The Winchester stares dead at him and then begins to walk again, still not watching where he's going. "Sam!" Gabe yells quickly, he reaches out just in time to forcefully catch the other teens shoulder and pull him to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Sam shouts, automatically sitting up. Gabriel pants, attempting to level his breath even though he didn't do much. Sam finds this odd and awaits an answer but can't keep his glare, his eyes soften and he follows where Gabes were. A half a step in front of where Sam had been was a bear trap, open and ready to chomp on whatever was willing to cross its path. Sam gulps audibly and lays flat back on the ground, also at a lack of breath now.

"Next time," Gabe says, "Can we stay behind the warning tape?" That sentence sparks something in Sam as he springs to his feet and helps Gabe up.

"Are you crazy?!" Gabriel grabs Sam's wrist and turns him around, "You almost got your leg chopped off, we're going back to camp," he states firmly. "But I never got to show you," Sam grins, but Gabe still isn't amused and he isn't giving in. "I've seen enough."

"Come on, I'll be careful, Gabe. I promise. Please?" He sticks his bottom lip out, Sam doing his best puppy eyes that not a soul as managed to say 'no' to; and today won't be the first day. "I'm walking in front," Gabriel points at the ground, his face not faltering when Sam's lips curve into a smirk. "Whatever you want," Sam responds willingly.

Consequently, Gabriel leading made the walk longer than it had to be, but Sam likes protective Gabe, so he doesn't complain.

"It's a cliff," Gabriel blankly stares at the small opening that Sam had directed him toward. The cliff has to be a good one-hundred feet high before it reaches the water. "Yeah," Sam smiles, "But look at the view." Across the lake was more forest, tall pine trees that part just enough to see another row before it gets to thick. "Come," Sam beams, he sits down and dangles his legs from the edge while the wind whips around his hair. "Um," Gabe chuckles nervously, "I-I'm good back here."

"Close your eyes," Sam insists as he gets back up and makes his way to Gabriel. "Sam—"

"Close your eyes." Gabe sighs but hesitantly obliges, Sam grabs his hand, the small act alone causes him to jump. " me," Sam smiles, squeezing his friends hand reassuringly. They take baby-steps forward and Gabe can't decide whether it's better or worse with his eyes closed; the wind forcefully hits their backs and Gabriel gasps before pulling his hand back and opening his eyes. "I can't. Sam, I'm sorry..I can't."

"It's okay. Lets go get breakfast." Gabe smiles thankfully, but he's still uneasy; uneasy at the thought of being so comfortable about who he is around Sam and how he actually trusts being on the edge with him.

After breakfast, the camp leaders began rounding everyone up and sending them all in the same direction. "Where are we going?" Gabe whispers to Sam, feeling the need to be quiet for some reason. "They're taking us to the obstacle course," Sam shrugs, "It's pretty cool."

'Pretty cool' is not, in any way, two words Gabriel would use to describe the course. It's a wooden structure that stands three stories high, you're put in a harness and sent across planks and netting. "It's not that bad," Sam encourages, "If you fall the harness catches you and you just bounce."

"I'm good..really."

"Suit it yourself," Sam sighs, digging his hands into his pockets. "I'll be fine Sam, go."

"I've done it plenty of times," Sam brushes off, "I'll stay with you." Gabe smiles but shakes his head, "I know you want to. Go."

"Fine. I'll be back soon, okay?" Gabe just nods and watches Sam run into line with everyone else as he stands off to the side.

Everything is good for awhile, Gabriel watches as kids get up there, fall, and then laugh it off. A part of him wishes he had the courage to do the same, but he doesn't. Sam sends him a thumbs up when he's being harnessed up before running across the first board.

"Awe, is the new guy afraid of heights," a voice mocks. Gabriel roles his eyes and refuses to turn around to see where the source came from. "I think he his," another voice laughs. Gabe doesn't give into the teasing, he tries to focus on Sam but he lost him in the crowd of others up there.

"He's afraid of heights. He's afraid of heights," the boy chants, "Or should I say she, because he obviously doesn't have a pair of balls," the guy laughs again, his few friends joining in. "Just leave me alone," Gabe finally says. "Or what? You're probably afraid of the ground that's three feet below you." Gabriel focuses on his heavy breaths, desperately searching for a head with shaggy brown hair. "Come on ya big baby. Go up there."



Two voices call out at once. "Sam," Gabe breathes first, taking a step in his direction. Gabes face tells Sam there's something wrong, the taller teen wraps his arms around Gabriel before looking at a young man in a leaders outfit.

"Oh my god," the other camper calls out, "He's a fag too." The comment only makes Sam's grip tighten and Gabe squeezes tightly around Sam's thin frame, tucking his head into Sam's neck. "Get out of here, now," the leader growls.

"Gabriel, are you okay," he lightly touches his shoulder. "Yeah," Gabe pulls away from Sam, "Thanks Cassy."

"Oh, um, Sam this is my brother Castiel. Cas, Sam."

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