Here's To

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Here's to the girl
Who is dying inside
But she doesn't tell a soul
Because who would help someone
Who's broken like her

Here's to the boy
Who cuts his skin
Where no one can see
Because people will just tell him
'Man up'

Here's to the girls
Who's dads
Broke their hearts
Before any boy
Ever could

Here's to the boys
Who starve themselves
While looking at magazines and movies
Because the guys in the movies
Don't look like him

Here's to the teenagers
Who feel alone
And worthless
Because they were never shown
That any cared for them

Here's to the teenagers
Who feel like there's no other option
Than suicide
Because they were told that the world
Would be better without them

Here's to the people
Who attempted suicide
Than were bullied
Because they failed
At ending their life

Here's to the people
Who committed suicide
That took their last breath
Because they felt like nothing
Would ever get better

Here's to us
The ones who feel
Alone and forgotten
That we are unloveable
And worthless

We will get through this
Because we are
Worth it

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