Don't Let it Control You

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Srae held her head low as she walked through the school. She pulled her hood lower to cover her face. She clung to the books in her arms, quickly walking to her class; History of Majesties.

She walked into the old lecture room, quiet as a mouse.

"Ah, Ms. Harmony. You're late." Professor Landen said without turning away from the black board. "Would you like to tell me why?" Professor Landen set his piece of chalk down, swiping his hands together to get the chalk off.

"I was with Eren..." Srae said quietly.

"What was that? I'm afraid you'll need to speak up." Professor Landen was one of the younger teachers here at the academy. He was tall, and lean. He had a handsome face with a square set jaw and light hazel eyes that contrasted with his tanned skin. The professor had most of the girls swooning at his presence, but never seemed to notice. He was more preoccupied with Srae's whereabouts.

"I was with Eren." Srae said loud enough for the professor to hear.

"And what were you two doing?" He crossed his arms over his sweater vest covered chest. Srae heard a couple of the girls giggle.

"We were practicing control." Looking around at the class, Srae noticed everyone was quiet, listening to the conversation.

"I suppose that's a good excuse, but next time try to make it to class on time." The professor turned away from Srae and proceeded with his lesson.

"Werewolves..." Srae mumbled as she settled herself in her seat.

School went on like normal, Srae made sure she wasn't late to the rest of her classes, not wanting to repeat what happened this morning.

Srae walked out of her Conformance class. She stepped around the corner to see something that made her blood boil.

"What's wrong, can't handle the truth?" Jared asked, holding Eren up by the neck and shoved against the wall, Jared and his goons laughing smugly.

Eren wasn't the biggest guy around. He's definitely tall, but skinny. His tan skin had a slight orange tinge. Kids like Jared picked on him because they thought he was an inbreed. Little did they know.

"Hey! Get away from him!" Srae yelled at the boys.

Jared looked over and laughed, "speak of the devil." He mumbled. "Hey, Sraena! Lookin' good!" He smirked.

Srae walked up to them, clenching her hands to keep from touching Jared and all the other boys, even just a little. "I said get away from him." She repeated coldly.

"Whatever you say, your majesty." Jared let go of Eren and bowed before walking away with his bafoons.

Srae scoffed before turning to Eren, checking his neck and face to make sure he wasn't hurt. "Are you okay?" She asked him as she fussed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eren grabbed her hands and pushed them away from his face. "How am I supposed to be your Protector if I can't even protect myself?" He sighed.

"Eren you're doing fine. I'm still alive aren't I?" Srae said looking in his crimson and golden colored eyes. Eren sighed, "no thanks to me."

"It's a team effort. Where is your brother? He should be with you anyway. I haven't seen him since last night." Srae said helping Eren up.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him either." Eren said with annoyance, unnoticed by Srae.

"It's lunch. He never misses lunch." Srae looked around the crowd's faces to see if she could pick the one out she was looking for. "You go to the nurse and have her check your eye, it seemed swollen." Srae continued to search the crowd. "I'm going to look for Koryn."

"Awesome." Eren mumbled as Srae walked away.

Srae searched the school, trying to find a missing Koryn. She rounded corners and looked in rooms before she got the idea to go outside.

"Koryn?" She called, stepping into the cool, stormy air. The mist in the air clung to her skin as she stepped through the trees. "Koryn?" She called again.

Srae stepped into a small break in the trees where a large stone wall blocked her path. She sighed, looking up at the wall. She started to turn around when she sensed his body behind her. He wrapped his arms around her wast, pulling her against him. He ducked his head into her neck, nuzzling it sweetly.

"I was wondering when you would come." He mumbled against her hair.

Srae smiled. "You weren't at practice this morning." She stated, getting to the point.

Koryn chuckled, causing the vibrations to run down Srae's spine. "What makes you think I wasn't?"

Srae huffed, trying to hide her pleasure. "I practically had a melt down. Eren was arguing with me about it and...I just...I almost lost control." Srae whispered the last part, her fear blooming in her stomach.

"Show me." Koryn whispered in Srae's ear.

She shivered, "n-no."

Koryn removed his arms from Srae's waist, stepping in front of her. His orange eyes holding what little light the sky produced. His skin was the same tone as his little brothers, but Koryn's body was much more athletic. His bare chest was slick with the humidity in the air.

"Srae, you need to learn control. Eren doesn't understand what it is you need to do. He doesn't have the push to get you through this."

"And you do?"

"Yes." Koryn stepped back, putting his back against the wall. He spread his scaly wings above his head. "Hit me."

"What?" Srae gasped in shocked disgust.

"I want you to hit me with enough air to push me above the trees." Koryn braced his feet apart, and crossed his arms.

"What if I kill you?" She said dully, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You won't. Take your hood off, and those gloves." Srae hesitated before pushing her hood off, exposing her blood red hair. It's waves fell down her shoulders. She then proceeded to pull off her black fingerless gloves, shoving the leather in her pocket. "Now, relax. Concentrate on everything around you. Feel the air, let it fill your lungs." Koryn spoke slowly.

Srae closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She held her hands open, palms facing the ground. She listened to the sounds around her. She felt the breeze start to quicken, swirling around her as she let the humidity fill her lungs. Her lips parted, she breathed out. wind rushed past her. She raised her arms, loving the rush of power as she let it flow through her. She smiled, her eyes shining through her closed lids.

Srae's hair whipped around her. She indulged in the lavish energy the air held, swirling around, carrying leaves and twigs with it, throwing things without mercy.

"Srae, stop!" A voice called from above her. "Sraena!" It urged. Srae's eyes snapped open, she started to panic as she saw the chaos around her. Srae wrapped her arms around herself, her eyes losing the yellow glow that had shone from them before. She lowered herself onto the ground, her knees pressing against her chest. She heaved, causing her breath to catch in her throat. Her swirling hair slowed to a swishing motion, it's previous state a flaming chaos. Srae's weeping form struggling, desperately trying to reign in the anarchy she'd caused.

She jumped when she felt a touch on her shoulder. "Srae, calm down." Koryn grabbed her wrists, pulling her against him. "Calm down, it's okay." He cooed. She sobbed against his chest, trying to calm her violently shaking body.

Slowly, she calmed down. She backed away from Koryn's chest enough to look around. There were broken branches and scattered debris. She looked behind her to see scorched branches, black charring covering the trunks.

She turned back to Koryn, looking into his worried eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"No, no don't go there. You can't be afraid." Koryn held her tear streaked face in his hands. "That's how it controls you." He wiped her tears away. "Don't let it control you." He whispered.

Srae leaned into Koryn's hands, "it already is."

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