Ch 4, New Leaf

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"Grasseye make sure you don't leave your post again please!" I shouted
"Sure thing Dapple, that won't happen again!" Grasseye replied curtly, a gleam of mischief hinted in her green eyes.
I watched as she slipped into her den and the spring breeze ruffled my pelt bring me the fresh scent of flowers blooming.
It's been a week since I took over as leader and the warm seasons were coming upon us bring new meat and vegetation for prey.
"Hey Dapple, what shall I do for the patrols?" A voice sounded from beside me.
Looking over to my right I saw the grayish fur and sky blue eyes of Graysky, my new deputy and successor.
"Today just send out three patrols to hunt during the whole day and a patrol to watch the border." I replied.
Graysky nodded his heads and padded off, his 7 tails drifting behind him.
Sighing I rose myself to my paws and jumped down the stones leading to my den and headed towards the guards den.
Poking my heads I saw the familiar figure of Sunleaf and Snowsong laying in their nests resting.
My eyes drifted to Snowsong's belly.
They still have had no luck with a pup.... but it looks like it might be a while before they truly realize, though I wish it weren't that way dear friend....
I started to turn around and let myself out without them knowing that I ever was here, but Sunleaf's voice stopped me from leaving.
"I know Dapple..... you don't need to coke here almost every day.... just don't worry about us, we will figure it out when the time comes."
I nodded silently and slipped out into the daylight once more.
"Hey Dapple, are you okay you seem a bit down?" I heard Stonepelt inquire.
"Yeah I am quite fine Stonepelt, I don't need to distract you from your work. After all you are the healer." I replied cheerfully.
"Okay, but please don't distance yourself, many of us have been worrying about you... ever since.."
"I know, since Needlefur died....." I whispered as I began to pad away towards my den.
I could feel Stonepelt's eyes watching me with concern but I aways had felt alone.
When I was a pup my mother had died shortly after I was born so when nobody would take me in the Nightwatcher named Needlefur took me in.
My father had left my mother before I was born so I never knew him nor did anyone else. Even though she had her paws full with being a leader and a mother to her own pup, she still took me in and cared for me as if I was her own.
Very few Nightwatchers knew that Needlefur was their leader's actual name, for all the leaders were called by the first part of their names and they only knew her by Needle. But Sunleaf, me, and a few other knew her real name and would call her by it even though she said she preferred Needle.
Sunleaf was and still is like a true brother to me and all the Nightwatchers knew that.
Once I remembered her old deputy Leaftails tell me that Needlefur and my mom there were close once. But sadly before I could ask her name she smiled and left to carry out work.
After that I had forgotten and before I could even remember Leaftails had already died from a horrible accident from a storm, it was only year ago. And me being old enough to have the position Needlefur chose me as her new deputy.
Sunleaf was so happy for me and I had smiled and thanked him over and over again. I remember that day when Sunleaf and I were smiling as the sun shone brightly that day and Needlefur was looking down at us with her warm green eyes.
But now it was all but a memory of the past..... and I brought myself back to the present where I realized I was in my den sitting facing the marked walls.
Now what, I am sulking?
Letting out a groan I lifted my left paw to the wall and began to recall the story Needlefur used to tell me about the markings.
"A long time ago a Nightwatcher named Shadow brought together the first remanence of our camp and set order to our ways. He was later known as the first leader of the Nightwatchers and when he died another honorable Nightwatcher took over and so forth for centuries. It is said that there will only be nine leaders, and the ninth will up hold the last of our great honor and kind. No one knows why it is said that there is only nine but our great ancestors prophesied this and we will never know until the day comes when the ninth leader is chosen.
I sighed as I drifted back to reality again feeling a bit fuzzy from the story.
I don't know about this mumbo jumbo, but Needlefur was right that we can only know until the day it happens.

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