Ch 9, Demons Tell no Lies

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"Wha-," I gasped.
The figure just stood there, revealing nothing just as the other times before.
"I don't understand any of this nonsense you speak! If you want to tell me everything, then tell me now!" I growled.
Still the being did nothing as to reply to my questioning.
"I don't need your pity, you! Everything is fine, nothing has happened as you have been saying all these years! You speak lies!" I shouted, anger and confusion bubbling up through me. The emotions clouding me from my senses and reasoning.
"You don't understand...... I don't have much time left..... neither do you.... all of you...." It finally moaned, shaking its heads.
"Ha, so you can hear me after all! What are you and what do you mean, reveal yourself!" I scoffed, though secretly alarmed by the creature.
"If that is what it takes to make you see.... than I shall....but promise me to follow...." It sighed.
"Deal, I will do what you say," I replied, my suspicion grew and my anger faded.
"Then it is said...." It said as a bright light illuminated its body.
Shielding my eyes from the blinding light, I felt a gust of wind rush past me and then suddenly the sound of nature filled my ears.
Upon opening my eyes I was met with a lush majestic forest, among the greenery little animals scampered about while birds sang in the trees above.
And in front of me wasn't the shadowy figure from before, but instead a pure white Nightwatcher. It was facing backwards so only I could see its twelve tails.
"Hello, who are you?" I called out.
The Nightwatcher sighed.
"I am the one whom you spoke to in your dreams Dapple." It said in its disorienting voices.
The Nightwatcher turned one of its heads slightly so that one of its eyes looked at me, it's unsettling eye staring into mine.
"Okay, what are you exactly and why are we here?" I asked, trying to hide my trembling voice. I knew almost at once this was no normal Nightwatcher, those red eyes and that voice were far from it....
"You are afraid....for I can guess you already know I am not normal." It said as it turned around to show itself completely.
I gasped at the sight, for in front of me was a monster. Out of its heads grew black horns, its eyes blood red and black, it's fangs long and yellowed, and its claws jagged and overgrown.
"I am a demon, that is all you need to know. Though my appearance seems dark my intentions are not and I am here to show you what you don't understand." I said, it's voices sounding slightly mournful.
Still taken back by the sudden change, I managed to stammered out, "D-demon! I thought they were just stories like the gods!" I gasped.
"No, we are real so are the gods. Again I am here to show you, follow me Dapple." It said turning away and walking towards a upward slope.
"Wait!" I shouted, bursting into a run as to catch up to the demon Nightwatcher.
As the trees rushed by me, I began to notice the scenery changing from the once livid green to a dead black. The trees burned to a black, no leaves left except the dead limbs and branches. The ground scorched to death, everything was dead. No birds sang and no life moved among the ruins, a thick mist hung in the air making the surroundings hidden and unknown.
Finally I caught up to the demon, its gaze never turned to look at me.
"This is the land that was decimated by a dark being long ago. Fire ravaged the forest and life, leaving everything dead and stuck in time from when it happened. Nothing grows and nothing changes, it all stands still forever." It said ominously.
A chill sent my body in a shiver, for this was exactly a place in the story I told Moonshadow only moments before. What if the stories about the demons and gods were really true after all?
My thoughts were interrupted by someone taping my shoulder.
The demon had tapped me with one of its tails and pointed to a clearing at the top of the mountain.
"Your brother and his mate made a deal, a deal that changed the fate of everything in these worlds. The being that came from it was of not of one but of three. Itself as a Nightwatcher, one as a demon, and another as a god, all trapped in one vessel. One day the three will separate, releasing the two who create such destruction and havoc. A war will come between gods, demons, the living, and the dead. It all starts here.... all because of me...." It moaned.
I stared at the demon, shocked at what it was saying. Clearly this cannot be remotely true, but something told me that whatever this was, it spoke no lies.
Looking over at the demon Nightwatcher, it was breathing deeply as if it were trying to calm itself.
"It's too late though.... I couldn't save anyone in the end!" It cried out.
"Save who and why is it too late?" I pleaded, now somewhat desperate to get answers.
The demon turned its heads to me, tears were beginning to stream down its faces as it raised one of its paws to its middle head. It's claws dug into its forehead and blood was oozing out and down its face above its eye.
"I'm so sorry....I thought after all these years I could prevent this.... but in the end I am only causing pain and suffering to you....just like back then when I became a monster.... even now like in the stories about me...." It sobbed.
Stories?.... wait... no way! The story of the white demon! That's crazy, so all these stories are really true! She's real!
My thoughts exploded, most of this seemed to fit together!
"You're-" I stuttered But was cut off by the demon.
"Please Dapple, please...... live your life with the Nightwatchers.... live it to the fullest...." It said trying to speak clearly.
"Please... tell Moonshadow that I am always here, until the end."
"Okay, but still what do you mean?" I questioned, the demon was making hardly any sense, even worse than when I had the dreams.
"I'm sorry.... I couldn't.... save you....Dapple," It whispered.
It was those last words the demon spoke to me before everything faded into light. It was time for me to wake up.

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